Chapter 9

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___________________________ Emma's POV

Why did you bring me here. I said

Oh darling I know you still love me. he said

Brandon I don't love you! I love Justin! Now take me back to him right now!

I'm not taking you back until you prove that you still love me. he said

What do you want me to do. I said

You have to love me the way I love you. He said

Are you kidding me? Loving you again is like loving my cancer. You are out of your mind thinking I could even like you!

I will wait until you love me again even if that takes years. Poor Justin will be all alone. he said

But bye a year there's gonna be a baby in this picture and your gonna need to take me to the hospital. I said

Your FUCKEN pregnant. he said

Well ya that's what happens when you love someone and I'm not pregnant with you so I don't love you. I said.

You better love me he said walking up to me and kissing me.

Get the fuck off me. I said pushing him off me and slapping him

Ow. he said rubbing his head

Fuck. I said

What. he said

My stomachs killing me. I said

Want something. he said

No where is your bathroom. I said

Ill show you. he said then headed upstairs then revealed a small room that had a toilet.

Thanks I said then went in locking the door I then pulled out my phone that he didn't know I had then texted Justin

To: Justin

Babe Brandon took me I don't know where I am but come get me someway I'm scared I just want to see you.

I then sent it then got a reply super fast

From: Justin

Ok I'll find you hind your phone somewhere and text me every night when you get to.

I then texted back

To: Justin

Will do got to go love you.

I then sent and got no reply witch is good I then flushed the toilet and faked washed my hands and walked out I walked downstairs to see Brandon watching t.v it was a recording of me and Justin on Ellen. all I could think was that he's a jealous little dick and I hate him.

Hey babe. he said

Don't call me babe. I said

Whatever you say. he said then I sat on the couch far enough away from him

Can I feel your stomach. he said

I'm only like two weeks pregnant. I said.

Ya good point maybe you can come more often so I can see your stomach grow. he said

No it's not your child and I want this baby not to know you as a weird psycho person or as a friend. I said

Harsh. he said

Ya and your not you technically kidnapped me. I said

Well it's love it makes me do crazy things. he said

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