Chapter 16

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__________________ Justin's POV

The concert was about to start I practiced my songs over and over again Emma was sitting on the couch on her phone smiling. I was going to walk over to her but scooter blocked my way

Show time. Scooter said

Ok. I said I walked under the stage I stood on a platform I got lifted up And onto the stage. Girls and boys were screaming some were crying.

How's your day. I said the girls and boys began to scream

I guess that means good. I said I began to sing lolly I stopped singing.

Emma come out here. I said Emma appeared on the stage in her beautiful dress I walked over to her I moved the microphone and whispered in her ear.

Remember when we practiced that dance. I whispered

Yea. She whispered .

Time for a show. I whispered i put the microphone back In place then sang beauty and a beat Emma started dancing me and her danced then I finished singing she walked backstage I sang a bunch more songs then the concert was over I walked backstage Emma was sitting beside scooter. I walked over to them and sat on the other side of Emma.

Can I have a hug. I said

No your sweaty. She said I put my arms out but she stood up I stood up after her she took off her high heels and began running I ran after her I caught up to her and hugged her

Aw Justin really. She said

Really. I said I kissed her cheek then let go of her

Now I Have to go for a shower. She said

I'm not complaining. I said

I can see why your not. She said she walked back to the couch. I walked to my change room and got into my regular clothes I walked back out Emma was on her phone and scooter was talking to some people. I walked over to Emma and sat beside her. She was on Instagram looking at some pictures of me and her.

I like that one the best. I said pointing out a picture of me and Emma cuddling.

Mine to. She said I stood up Emma also stood up I put my arm around her waist me and her walked out of the arena and to my car. I unlocked the car and got in. I started the car and backed out I drove back to the hotel we arrived I stopped the car and got out Emma got out and walked beside me. We walked into the hotel and went into the elevator we went up to our floor and got out. We walked to our room I unlocked the door and walked in. Emma went and sat on the couch I went and sat beside her.

Ugh I still have to go for a shower. Emma said

Me too. I said I stood up and walked upstairs I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower Emma walked in she took off her dress and threw it into the hallway she unhooked her bra and slipped off her underwear. I undressed and hopped into the shower Emma followed after me. She washed her hair I did the same I grabbed body wash and washed my body. Emma did the same when she reached her baby bump I turned her so she was facing me I grabbed some of her body wash and rubbed it on her stomach she put her arms on my shoulders. I stopped rubbing her stomach then kissed her cheek. I washed all the soap of me and got out. I put a towel around my body and walked out Emma came out with a towel around her body she sat on a chair and looked threw the closet she grabbed Pyjamas and put them on. She got into bed and lied down I grabbed pants and lied down beside her she got under the covers and fell asleep I put my arm around her And fell asleep. I woke up to my alarm clock going off I turned it off and rubbed my eyes Emma was still asleep.

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