Chapter 21

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__________________ Justin's POV

I was driving after Emma I couldn't see anything until I saw police lights I pulled over and got out of my car. I ran over to a police officer

Excuse me what happened. I said worried

Someone got in a car accident. He said

How long ago. I said

At least 20 minutes ago. He said

Do you know who's inside. I said

No not yet we are still trying to get it out of the ditch. He said

We got it out. Another police yelled. I looked at the car it was Emma's car I ran over to the car but a cop pushed me back.

Please my girlfriend might be in there. I said

If she is we will tell you now back up. He said I backed up And all I could think about Is Emma's in there I know she is I can feel it. Tears filled my eyes

She's out. A police said I ran over there to see Emma Lying on the ground she had cuts all over her arms and a cut on her forehead.

We have to bring her to the hospital. The police said the ambulance came they came and got Emma I went in the back with her.

Justin. Someone said I looked down at Emma to see she was up.

Baby thank god your up. I said And hugged her.

What happened. She said weakly

You were in a car accident. I said

What about the baby. She said tears in her eyes

We are going to the hospital. I said I lifted her shirt to see her baby bump I put my hand on it I still felt a baby kick.

Did you feel that. I said

Ya. She said

That means the baby's okay. I said she nodded she closed her eyes and sighed. The ambulance stopped and the doors opened they grabbed Emma and I got out with Emma. We got inside the building rushing to the emergency room.

Sorry you have to stay out here. The doctor said

No I can't stay out here that's my girlfriend in there with my son. I said

You have to stay out here. The doctor said

No I'm coming in. I said trying to push my way threw.

Your staying out here. He said I dropped to my knees and put my face in my hands I started crying a little. A few minutes past I stood up and walked into the waiting room. I was looking for my phone but Then realized it was at home I was the reason she got in the car accident no i wasn't Selena was she just can't leave me and Emma the fuck alone. A few hours past till a doctor walked out I stood up quick.

How is she. I said

She's doing good. He said

Can I go see her. I said

Yes. He said I ran around him And into the room Emma was lying down with bandages on her.

Baby. I said she looked over at me and smiled

Hey baby got good news. She said

What's the good news. I said walking over to her

The baby's healthy when I crashed the seatbelt saved the baby. She said

That's amazing news and baby it was my fault that you crashed I'm so sorry. I said

No it's Selena's fault. She said

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