(7) Jailed With Jim

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Jim Moriarty didn't utter a single word, since his imprisonment.

He stared at the blank wall in front of him, not moving a single inch. It was scary how a man could do that for three consecutive days, but he wasn't a man at all.

Every few hours, he'd be taken into a torture room, where he was subjected to hallucinogens and various other drugs that were meant to drive him insane. They didn't know he already was insane. He had faced all the torture routines with the same menacing smile and complete silence.

The jail cell creaked open, revealing how old the metal was, and your muse was pushed forward, hand-cuffed, into the cell with him. Then, the door slammed shut, and the guards locked it securely , and walked away.

[Don't bother asking – go ahead!]

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