(13) Post Reichenbach

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Few people I low key want to do this with, but if our muses have interacted before, feel free to reply.

(Post Reichenbach. Sort of a fan theory that it was actually Jim's twin, Richard, who died, and not Jim.)

The only time he hated hiring such talented people, was when he had to hide from them himself.

He still had work to do, when he found out that Sherlock had survived the moment he jumped off the building. For nearly three years, he managed to keep himself hidden, disguised. And his disguise was brilliant – it seemed as if he had transformed himself completely.

He had a bit of a beard, that matched the colour of his hair, reading glasses, and the hint of worry lines across his forehead – which were rather difficult to obtain. He also covered most of his face with a hat, and changed his scent from minty to muddy.

One day, he bumped into your muse on the streets, and started cursing rather extensively in a German accent at his slip up.

But he was disguised. They wouldn't notice, would they?

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