(29) Caught embarrassed

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Jim had sworn to never, ever watch Disney movies. Anytime you heard him talk about them, it was mostly in disgust, as if he hated how sappy and sickeningly sweet they were.

It was senseless, even. None of that magic as real, and most of the characters were overly emotional - it was so hateful to him, he'd say.

Besides, a grown man, the king of all terrible crimes, this... scary villain, wasn't supposed to watch sweet movies targeted at a younger audience. He had a reputation.

But one day, your muse walked in on Jim in his room... singing 'Let it Go,' very loudly, along with Elsa. Yes, the Disney movie Frozen was playing in front of him, and he seemed to be enjoying it clearly. Jim even had a nice soft blanket covering him, and a large bag of popcorn and other snacks, not to mention the dozens of pillows surrounding him.

Only a second after your muse walked in, however, he turned it off quickly and shut his mouth. He closed his eyes tightly, resting his head back on the couch, waiting for your muse to gush over this and heighten his embarrassment.

"Don't," he muttered, stretching out that syllable almost shyly, "say anything." He finished, and covered his burning face with his palms.

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