2: Kyoshi Island

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"Suki." Tu Cho stepped forward out of the practice line with a surprised look. "Someone has come to the island. Someone important."

Suki stopped the movement. She smiled at her second in command. "Then lead the way, Tu Cho."

Tu Cho led the way to the shore where they came across three young people on the beach. The girls around Tu Cho where much more skilled at combat and grabbed the group, blind folding them and tying them up. They threw them to the ground at the feet of Suki and Tu Cho. The oldest of the group hit the ground with a thud. "Or we could stay a while..."

The warriors picked up the group and carried them to the town square. They tied the strangers to a large wooden post.

Tu Cho looked across the group recognizing the water tribe clothes, though the orange and yellow adorning the third were strangely familiar. "You three have some explaining to do."

Suki crossed her arms. "And if you don't awnser our questions you'll go back in the water."

The water tribe boy yelled out, "Show yourselves cowards!" Suki took the blindfold off of him. Sokka looked at them and aggressively said, "Who are you? Where are the men who ambushed us?"

Suki was indignant at the idea that a girl could not have captured the group. "There are no men. We ambushed you. Now tell us, who are you and why are you here?"

Sokka stared at them in disbelief. "Wait a second..."

Tu Cho grabbed Oyaji's arm suddenly. "I figured it out! They are air nomad clothes."

"Yeah," Sokka said. "He's the Avatar."

"That's impossible!" Oyaji yelled out. "The last Avatar was an airbender who disappeared a hundred years ago."

Aang smiled sheepishly. "That's me."

Oyaji pointed angerly at them. "Throw the imposters to the sea!"

Just as he said that, Tu Cho dropped to one knee. She watched with silent intensity as Avatar Aang used air bending to free himself. As Aang did his pebble trick, Tu Cho untied Sokka and Katara. "Welcome to the island of Kyoshi, Sokka and Katara. I am Tu Cho."

"How did you know our names?" Katara asked.

"Truly, it is only an idea." Tu Cho smiled, feeling a little mischievous. "But many consider it fortune telling."

"Really?" Katara grew quickly excited. "Can you tell my fortune?"

Tu Cho shook her head. "That is not how it works. I don't know any real fortune telling." She turned to Sokka and blinked twice. He was annoyingly familiar, though Tu Cho knew she didn't know him. "Welcome, Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe, to Kyoshi island. You might just be in for a surprise here."

Sokka crossed his arms in disbelief. "Right..."

#Those who doubt...#

Suki was leading five other girls in routine fan practice while Tu Cho sat watching. Tu Cho had always loved to watch the other warriors train because it reminded her of the girls in the Ember Island play house. Tu Cho didn't often sit out practice with the warriors but was practiced enough from the training of her youth and the foresight she possessed to be useful in battle even when she felt she'd need to rest. It helped Tu Cho that much of the fighting style of the Kyoshi warriors came from fire bending forms she and Zuko had practiced together. Tu Cho looked up as Sokka appeared in the door way.

Sokka smiled smugly and stepped into the training house. "Sorry ladies," Sokka said, causing Suki to stop the training. "Didn't mean to interrupt your dance lesson." He stretched his arm over his head. "I was just looking for somewhere to get a little workout."

Tu Cho smiled lightly and whispered to herself, "He'll get over it... eventually..."

Suki smiled smugly. "Well, you're in the right place. Sorry about yesterday. I didn't know that you were friends with the Avatar."

"It's alright," Sokka gave a lightly suppressed laugh of mockery. "I mean, normally I'd hold a grudge, but seeing as you guys are a bunch of girls, I'll make an exception."

Suki rolled her eyes. "I should hope so. A big strong man like you? We wouldn't stand a chance." Her voice was thick with sarcasm.

Sokka smiled smugly. "True. But don't feel bad. After all, I'm the best warrior in my village."

Sokka wasn't very keen on Suki's continued sarcasm. "Wow! Best warrior, huh?" Suki glanced back at the giggling girls behind her. "In your whole village? Maybe you'd be kind enough to give us a little demonstration?"

Sokka was surprised by the unexpected request. "Oh ... Well ... I mean ... I ..."

Suki turned to the other warriors. "Come on, girls! Wouldn't you like him to show us some moves?" the girls giggled in response.

"Well, if that's what you want, I'd be happy to." Sokka set his hand on Suki's shoulder. He took up a poor fighting stance. "All right, you stand over there. Now, this may be a little tough, but try to block me." Sokka bent at the knees and attacked the female warrior by trying to punch her. Suki didn't move her body, but easily defended herself by bringing up her left arm and thrusting her closed fan against Sokka's shoulder.

Sokka cried out in pain and staggered backward, rubbing his shoulder. "Aw! Heh heh ... Good. Of course, I was going easy on you."

Suki was very confident this wasn't the case. "Of course."

Sokka was clearly annoyed and angered by Suki's arrogant facial expression. "Let's see if you can..." he attempted a round house kick, again poorly executed, "...handle this!" It became more evident with every passing second that he was a self-taught fighter.

Suki quickly dodged under Sokka's outstretched leg and pushed him off balance. The Water Tribe warrior landed flat on his back with a loud thud, Suki lazily opening her fans to wave herself some air.

Sokka, a little shocked by his second failure, lost his temper at the sight of Suki's defiant posture. "That does it!" He got up and angerly charged her again.

Suki quickly closed her fan and moved out of Sokka's way. She grabbed him by the arm with her right hand, while she pushed against his shoulder with her left hand, quickly spinning him around. After two turns, she switched position and spun Sokka in the other direction showing him to be as powerless as a rag doll in Suki's hand. Suki suddenly halted Sokka and he toppled forward. Before falling, Suki loosened Sokka's belt and tied his left hand to his right foot behind his back in one swift movement. Sokka tried to maintain his balance for a while by jumping on one leg, but it was not long before he lost footage and smacked down flat on his face. Suki smiled and mockingly said, "Anything else you want to teach us?" Sokka blushed in humiliation as the Kyoshi Warriors laughed at him.

Tu Cho stood from her spot and walked to Sokka. She untied him. "That was impressive for someone who was self taught." She offered his belt back to him. "With practice you will be good at hand to hand too."

He, red faced, took his belt back and threaded it through his belt loops. He quickly left the hut.

Suki set her hand on Tu Cho's shoulder. "You're to nice, Tu Cho. He's a sexist jerk. He deserved to be taught a lesson."

"It's true that you can't teach him a lesson without humiliating him," Tu Cho said. "But you didn't help him up either. We may be warriors but we are still girls too."

"She's hardly even a warrior." One of the girls in the back whispered to another in a tone that most couldn't hear but Tu Cho just managed to catch it. "She barely even trains and she walks like she's got a stick up her butt."

"Kayotee," Tu Cho didn't turn toward the girl when she said her name. "I may have only joined up here four years ago but at least I know when to keep my mouth shut. You may want to work on that before it gets you in trouble."

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