62: Uncle Iroh

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The group had made camp at the base of the walls of Ba Sing Se. Zuko and Katara were sleeping on Appa's side with their backs facing each other, Suki was beside Katara, and Tu Cho and Sokka were sleeping on Appa's tail with Kita between them. Sokka was snoring loudly but it didn't bother his family. Toph was snoring in her earth tent but suddenly woke and earth bent her tent into the ground. The sound of it woke Tu Cho who looked around in time to see a ring of fire appear around the group.

Four people appeared at the top of the rubble in white and blue uniforms. It was four old men, Tu Cho only recognizing Piandao and King Bumi. "Well, look who's here." Bumi snorted and laughed as the fire around the group died.

Sokka and Katara smiled with relief and turned to look at each other. Suki, Toph, Tu Cho and Zuko look at the siblings, puzzled. "What's going on?" Toph asked as the four came closer. "We're surrounded by old people."

"Not just any old people." Katara stepped toward them with a smile. "These are great masters and friends of ours." She bowed in front of one. "Pakku."

Pakku bowed in return. "It is respectful to bow to an old master but how about a hug," he threw his arms open, "for your new grandfather?"

Katara and Sokka were dumbfounded.

Katara's expression changes into a huge smile. "That's so exciting." She opened her arms and embraced Pakku. "You and Gran Gran must be so happy to have found each other again."

"I made her a," he touched an area below his collar bone, about the same place the cold stone around Tu Cho's neck sat, "new betrothal necklace and everything."

Sokka dragged Tu Cho up to him with a huge smile. He hugged Pakku by the neck. "Welcome to the family Great Gramp."

"You can still just call me," Pakku pushed Sokka off him, "Pakku."

Sokka smiled goofily. "How about Grand Pakku?"

Pakku had a serious tone as he said, "No," but a little lighter when he turned to Tu Cho. "And who is this?"

Sokka's disappointment was gone as the young man put his arm around Tu Cho with a smile. "This is Tu Cho, my fiancée, and," he carefully pulled Kita from baby sling, waking her, with pride, "this is Kita."

Pakku smiled at the baby, who giggled at the sight of the old man. "She's beautiful." He picked her up to play with her.

"And this was Aang's first firebending teacher."

Zuko walks toward him and Jeong Jeong bowed. "Jeong Jeong."

Sokka turned with a more serious note to the man beside him and bowed. "Master Piandao."

Piandao bowed in return. "Hello, Sokka."

Suki looked at all the men. "So wait, how do you all know each other?"

"All old people know each other don't you know that?" Bumi snorted and laughed.

"We're all part of the same ancient secret society," Piandao responded. "A group that transcends the divisions of the 4 nations."

Tu Cho looked at Zuko and they smiled, saying, in unison, "The Order of the White Lotus."

Bumi smiled. "That's the one."

"The White Lotus has always been about philosophy, and beauty and truth," Jeong Jeong said. "About a month ago, a call went out that we were needed for something important."

"It came from a Grand Lotus, your Uncle," Pakku indicated Zuko and Tu Cho, "Iroh of the Fire Nation."

"Well that's who we're looking for," Toph said.

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