91: The Festival

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"Check. This. Out." Sokka, clean of his makeup and warriors outfit, said lifting Kita onto his shoulders, "This might be the greatest festival in the history of Southern Tribe festival-ing!"

Everywhere around the group was games and lantern lights leading down rows of bright blue and green tents. People milled around everywhere listening to the live band, some passing happy congratulations and sweet foods and candies to the "newlyweds." Most sweets handed to Tu Cho went directly to Kita but most things handed to Sokka went in his mouth. Of course, trinkets of luck and small toys for Kita and the coming child went in Tu Cho's bag.

"Earthen Fire needs to send representatives down here more often!" Sokka said.

"You mean executive partners," Toph said confidently.

"Auntie Toph!" Kita yelled, smacking her father in the head excitedly. "They have a poundy-poundy game!"

"The poundy-poundy game?" Toph cracked her knuckles. "That's my favorite! Let's go!"

"You coming with us, Katara?" Tu Cho asked.

"No thanks," Katara said coldly.

"We'll see you later then," Tu Cho said, following Toph and Sokka.

"Time to get paid!" Toph said.

"I don't think that's how it works here, Toph," Tu Cho said with a laugh, taking Kita from Sokka's shoulders.

Toph paid for her turn and grabbed the handle of the weighted hammer. "Give me..." she grunted, "a second. After all, I'm just a poor little blind girl!" She kicked forward and hit the base, the strength measurer breaking the bell at the top.


Aang had joined the group with Katara when they moved onto the bean bag throw.

Sokka wound up his arm to throw the bean bag. He winked at Tu Cho before releasing the ball, knocking down all the stacked cups. "WooHoo!" He hoisted Kita up with one arm and put an arm around Tu Cho's shoulder. "Come one and all!" Kita laughed. "Come marvel at Sokka of the southern water tribe's manly, manly beanbag-tossing skills!"

"We're marveling," Toph laughed. "We're marveling."

"Guys," Aang said, "I think someone's about to give a speech!"

"Whatever," Toph said. "I only like speeches if they're by me."

"Hold on," Sokka said, releasing his family. "Let me claim my prize first!" He looked over his wife before looking at the prizes. With a big smile he pointed at the large stuffed animal on the top shelf. "I'd like that giant polar bear dog, please."

"Sorry, fella, for that you gotta do what you just did seven more times." The man grabbed a small fuzzy raccoon mouse. "Here's yer prize."

"Aw..." Sokka said, disappointedly, turning to Tu Cho.

Tu Cho smiled at her disappointed husband. "I love it." She took the raccoon mouse and kissed her husband.

"...my brother Maliq and I were brought here as part of the Southern Reconstruction Project," Malina said on the stage. "Together with you, we are going to usher the south pole into a brand new era! We'll help you make the most of your natural resources so you can finally establish a presence for yourselves on the world stage!"

Most of the crowd clapped but Tu Cho heard whispers of "that's a good thing right?" and "why do we need that?"

"What is that?" Toph asked, dropping her arms full of stuffed animals.

"I know right?" Sokka said indicating the fuzzy ring tailed raccoon mouse. "What a rip off."

"No, not that..." Toph knelt down and put her hand to the ice.

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