Chapter 3

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The way she said those words with such a venom in her voice made my heart ache, and I clenched my jaw to prevent myself from spilling the whole damn truth. I wanted to pour my heart out to her but knowing I couldn't, made me uneasy. Staring at her, I could tell she was masking her true feelings with a sarcastic smile sent my way. Rolling her eyes at me irritatedly, she continued to clean the kitchen around and never once glanced my way again.

An exasperated sigh escaped past my lips and I looked towards the ceiling to calm my raising thoughts down. Music blasted through the speakers and I focused my attention back on Sophia to see her softly humming to herself. My jaws clenched as I watched her act nonchalant of my existence, it was like I wasn't even there. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I moved closer until I stood just behind her.

"Is it always going to be like this, Sophia?", Whispering in her ear, I snaked my arms across her waist.

A startled gasp pushed past her lips and she tilted her head to regard me with wide eyes. My heart stilled in my chest as I stared at her and the memories we've created resurfaced in front of my eyes. Right at this moment, all I wanted was to nuzzle my nose in her neck and inhale that vanilla scent she was radiating off.

"Damon, let go", Her voice came out meekly as she tried to draw her body away from me.

"Oh Soph, you have no idea how much I miss you", Sighing, my hands dropped from her waist.

Turning her full body towards me, she scoffed and her eyes turned icy. "You know, that's not fair Damon".

"Tesoro, you know, I don't play fair when it comes to you", A small smirk tugged at the corners of my lips.

Her eyes immediately dropped to my lips and she exhaled sharply as she licked her own subconsciously. No matter how much I wanted to feel those luscious lips on mine again, I resisted the urge because I knew for a fact if I did, I'd never want to stop. Instead, I gently tugged her close to me and inhaled her delicious scent.

"Eight years later, yet you still tend to make my heart race, Tesoro". Her eyes closed as I whispered those words to her.

A throat cleared behind us and I turned to look at Sebastian regarding us with a smirk on his face. Rolling my eyes at him, I sighed and pinched my nose. Forcing my whole being, I let go of Sophia and tucked my hands into my pockets but all I wanted was to embrace her and never let her go like I once did.

"Damon, can I talk to you?", Although he was trying to be polite, I knew what the bastard's intentions were, so with a nod of my head, I walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway.

As soon as we were out of earshot, Sebastian crossed his arms across his chest and gave me a pointed look. Raising my eyebrows, I waited for him to blow up like he always did whenever I tried to talk to Sophia. I knew his intentions were to protect her since they were practically siblings, and it made me admire him a little more because he was always there for her whenever she needed a shoulder to cry on.

"What do you think you're doing?", He uncrossed his arms and instead leaned against the wall.

Honestly, I didn't know what I was doing myself, but somehow my conscious knew I had to get her back no matter what. I missed her so fucking much that living without her is becoming unbearable, if this keeps going, we'll both become insane.

"Sebastian, living without her is driving me insane", Voicing my thoughts out to him felt weird, since we never had a talk heart to heart.

His facial expression softened and he let out an exasperated sigh. "You fucked up big time man, getting her to forgive you is going to be a hard task, you sure you up for that?".

"At the rate things are going, I am up for anything right now", My voice sounded desperate even to my own ears.

But it was the whole truth, I was up for whatever challenges she threw at me. She was my oxygen and I couldn't live without her, no matter what, I had get her back. You might say I am treating her like an object, but I am not, losing her made me realize, I lost a precious gem who was everything to me. Instead of the tough front I always put, I could be myself around her, I could be goofy, mad, funny and she would still accept me as I am.

But the only dark secret no one knew not even her was deeply engraved in my brain. Some would say it wasn't that bad, but it made me kill my own baby, simply because I was afraid that he would turn out like me. One should be thrilled of finding out that they're going to be a dad, but my judgements made me resent that idea.

Sebastian's patting my shoulder made me snap back to reality. He had a sympathetic smile on his lips which made my mood darken even more. Seeing Sebastian and Amelia's relationship made me envy him because he had happiness I could never have again. But I was determined to get my lover back no matter what it took.

"From the looks of it, she still loves you Damon", His words sparked the hope I had, once again.

"Then, I will earn her trust again Sebastian", I had no idea how, but I was determined.

His brows rose but he didn't say anything, just nodded his head and began to head out of the hallway. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I watched as Sophia moved gracefully around the kitchen doing her chores. Although Sebastian told her countless of times that she didn't have to do anything, she was one hell of a stubborn woman who did whatever she wanted. That's what made me fall for her in the first place, her stubbornness and everything about her was just beautiful.

So, how did you guys like the chapter? What are your thoughts about Damon?

Also I have an important question: I am planning to open a Facebook group and I just wanted to ask you guys, would you join?

Please don't forget to vote and comment 💕.

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