Chapter 13

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Since I am planning to write Elijah's story next, I wanted to give you all lovelies a little sneak peak 😉.


Damn these Mexican cartels it was because of them I couldn't be with my sister on time. The minute I heard she gave birth, I was already packing up my shit and giving orders to my driver, but of course luck was not on my side as I got a call from Max saying I was wanted at the conference room because they couldn't handle a single fucking thing without me. With a huff, I dropped my phone onto the bed after getting off the phone with Amelia.

While she wasn't angry with me for not being there with her, I was angry at myself as I couldn't see my nephew the minute he was born, but Amelia decided to see this on a positive note and told me not to worry as I was going to stay with them for a while after my work here was done. Running my fingers through my hair, I plopped down on the bed and scowled up at the ceiling thinking of ways I could kill Jax for ruining all of my plans.

Those damn twins didn't know how to understand no when I told them to handle their own shit, even though they were fucking adults, they blackmailed me, forced me to come here and told me to beat their dad in his own game. One question was how the hell am I supposed to do that? After all he was the third powerful leader after of course Sebastian and I. It was funny how a grown man feared Sebastian seeing he was years younger than him but it was a very enjoyable sight to see.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, glaring at the door, I stood up and went to open the door. I wasn't surprised by the sight that greeted me as I held the door open for her. The maid walked in silently before bowing to me and placed the tray on the table. Striding towards my closet, I took off my shirt and a smirk replaced my scowl as I felt her eyes on me. I could feel her fidgeting in her place as she awaited my order never once uttering a word.

Putting on a new shirt, I swiveled around and took two large steps, stopping in front of her, I gripped her by the throat just adding a bit of pressure before leaning down and capturing her lips into a brutal kiss. Moaning, she gripped my forearms as I walked us backwards. Her legs hit the edge of the bed before she laid down and pulled me down with her causing my hard erection to rub against her.

"God how much I missed your body babe," Flipping us over, I continued to grind against her.

My hands trailed down to her breasts and I squeezed them through her dress. Going further down, I cupped her sex through her panties and heard her moan. Circling her clit, I put just a bit pressure and lead her to her climax. She cried out my name as she came and panted through hazy eyes. My smirk grew as she blushed and looked down seeing my erection, before her eyes widened.

"Oh my god, my innocent eyes," A voice shrieked causing both of us to glance at the door.

Rolling my eyes at Jax, I pushed myself off of the bed and fixed myself up as Ana did the same. Muttering an apology, she left timidly leaving both of us alone staring after her. Clearing my throat, I caught Jax's attention and his eyes widened before a smirk took over his lips. Beckoning him over to the dinner table, I sat down after him.

"You know, you're not actually innocent right?" My eyebrows rose in question.

Chuckling, he nodded his head, "Of course I am not, I was just you know, trying to get a reaction out of Ana." 

"So what did you need?" Taking a sip of my coffee, I awaited his answer.

"Max needs your help, he got caught doing some shit by our dad and now he won't let Max out of his sight." He explained.

Taking another sip, I gestured my hand to his food, "And what do you suppose I do?"

Starting to pick at his plate, his brows furrowed expectantly, "Help him."

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I stood up and motioned to the door. Understanding what I meant, he also stood up and we both made our way out of the bedroom. The Mexican Estate was like a second home for me as I spent most of my time here helping these two idiots stay out of trouble. But no matter how much I tried, trouble seemed to stick to them like super glue.

Passing through doors, we stopped at the last one and Jax opened it. Stepping inside we were greeted by their father sitting at the center smoking a cigarette while talking with Max sternly. Stopping for a second, his eyes flickered over to us before they settled on Max again. Silently, we both made our way to the chairs and sat down.

"You know old man, you can't keep them here forever." Crossing my leg over the other, I rose a brow.

Pointing at me, his angry voice rang out through the room, "You stay out of this Eli."

A sinister chuckle left me, "You're not my father Joe."

"No, but you're father and I were very close," Pouring himself a wine, he took a sip.

"Well his dead," I shot back.

Before the argument could get heated, a knock sounded on the door and Joe called out for them to "come in". All of our attention turned towards the door as a timid girl walked in bowing her head. My eyebrows furrowed as my heart sped up as I studied her form. She wasn't a maid so why she was carrying a tray was beyond me. I had this sudden urge to see her eyes.

"Head up," I heard my voice command before I could process anything.

Her head slowly lifted and the most beautiful face stared back at me. Her eyes were royal blue, her blonde hair cascaded down her back flawlessly and her heart shaped face tilted to the side as heat blossomed her cheeks. Her eyes flitted away from mine and looked behind me before fear settled in her eyes and she quickly dropped her head, setting the tray down, she walked out not giving me a chance to ask her name. 


Welp, there goes my weave. I am so excited to write Eli's story 😭😩😉.

What do you think will happen in his story?

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