Chapter 8

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Brown eyes clashed together making our world tilt and our heads to feel dizzy. Staring at each other, our memories replayed in our heads making the pain between us to increase tenfold. I could see his thoughts running through his mind as he stared at me with a blank expression but in his eyes, I could see the fire they held, he wanted to fight for us, for me, but how can one repair a damage that's already been broken beyond repair?

Letting out a sigh, his eyes flickered away from mine and he raked his hands through his hair making them look more disheveled. With a defeated expression, he shook his head and turned his back towards me. Widening my eyes, a gasp left my lips and I quickly ran towards him to block the door, making him unable to escape anywhere else. I didn't know what I was doing, I should be able to let him go but something in me told me to stop him.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me again Damon." My voice came out harsher than I expected.

With his brows furrowed, he narrowed his eyes at me, "Well Sophia, what  do you want me to do huh? Do you want me to get on my knees and beg for your forgiveness because I have done that multiple times, so tell me again what do you want me to do?"

Before I could come up with an answer he continued without a pause, "I know what I did was so wrong and I live with the guilt everyday, but I am willing Soph because I made a huge sin where I killed my own child and destroyed your happiness but Sophia I had my reasons, maybe they're stupid but to me they weren't at that time and I was so young and dumb I didn't know what I was doing until it was too late."

Speechless, I stared at him unable to form any coherent words. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he glanced at me briefly before his eyes found an interest somewhere else. Shaking my head in disbelief, I crossed my arms across my chest and stared at him, really trying to study him. Standing before me, was not the Damon I knew years ago, in his place was a stranger in the form of him.

When I really thought about it, eight years has been a long time and it has taken a toll on both of us. What he did was something unforgettable but it wasn't unforgivable. But can I really find it in me to hear his side of the story and maybe forgive him? My eyes flitted over his dangerously beautiful features and as his bronze eyes connected with mine once again, my heart halted in my chest before erratically beating again.

  So many questions ran wildly ran through my mind making me clutch my head in annoyance. But the only thought I grasped is if I did forgive him, can we still manage to go back to the way we were? A knock on the door interrupted both of our thinking and we both turned our attention towards the door. Taking a step forward, my hands slowly opened the door and I let out an exhale seeing as it was only Hunter.

"You've been in here for fifteen minutes, I was getting worried and wanted to see whether you drowned or not," Humor etched onto his words and a smile slowly crept onto his lips.

Rolling my eyes, I glanced behind me and rose my eyebrows at Damon as he came forward making his presence known to Hunter. Startled, Hunter's eyes flickered between Damon and I, before settling on Damon. A smirk ran across his lips as he chuckled to himself probably sharing an inside joke, that bastard.

"About time you guys make amends don't you think?" Not having the energy to correct him, I opened the door wider and strode past his body.

Hearing heavy footsteps, I fastened my pace and took a reeling breath just before stopping at the hospital room. Voices were heard inside and I smiled as Madison's sweet laughter came through the closed door. Peeking inside, I took in the breathtaking sight before me and sighed in content of how happy everyone looked.

Amelia grinned once her eyes laid on me and motioned for me to come into the room. Leaving the door open slightly for Damon and Hunter, I made my way over to them and sat down on the chair beside Amelia's bed. My eyes dropped down to the little bundle of joy in her arms and a smile tugged at my lips.

"Have you guys thought of a name yet?" The question fell from my lips in a rush.

Glancing down, her eyes shone with adoration and love for her son, "Xavier Marcelo."

"That's such a beautiful name." I whispered, careful not to wake up Xavier.

"Let me see my nephew," Hunter's voice rang through the room and a moment later he appeared through the door with Damon.

The bathroom door opened just as they settled in beside Amelia and Sebastian walked out, a genuine smile on his lips, but it quickly fell once he saw Hunter. "If you call him a potato, I will personally castrate you."

Waving him off, Hunter sat beside me and held out his arms. Rolling her eyes, Amelia settled Xavier in his arms and laid back down letting out a tired yawn. His nose scrunched up and he glanced at Sebastian with a small smirk on his face. Raising his brows, Sebastian shook his head in warning.

"He doesn't look like a potato, he looks like a freaking tomato, he's red all over." Rolling my eyes, I swatted his arm gently careful not to shake Xavier in the process.

A chuckle breathed past his lips while glancing at me sideways. Thinning my lips, I shook my head at him warning him not to get on Sebastian's bad side. A growl passed his lips, well too late for that. Sebastian marched forward anger radiating from him but before he could bash Hunter's face in, a knock sounded throughout the room.


Okay, I am going to be honest, there is going to be a lot of drama coming in after this chapter, a new important character will be introduced and get ready beautiful people, he's about to rock your and Sophia's world.

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