Chapter 9

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An amazing cover made by moonlighttzzzz thank you so much beautiful ❤️❤️.


Since I was the most closest to the door, I strolled towards it and pulled it open. My breath got caught in my throat as the most gorgeous sapphire eyes stared at me unblinking. His head tilted to the side as he studied my from head to toe and I did the same thing before connecting my eyes with his. He was tall about six feet three, his body was muscular and there was not a doubt in my mind that he worked for Sebastian.

"Is this Amelia's room?" He spoke in a calm voice.

Swallowing, I forced my mouth to mutter out a "yes."

Shaking my head out of the transfixed state I was in, I stepped aside, motioning for him to come in. Hesitantly, he walked inside looking around the room before his eyes landed on Amelia. A smile curved his lips and he cleared his throat before strolling over to her bed. Amelia seemed to be deep in thought while looking at him after a moment or two her eyes widened, a smile twitched her lips before she leaped off the bed and embraced him.

"What the hell is going on?" Sebastian's angry voice shook the walls of the hospital room.

Rolling her eyes, she pulled away and turned around to face her red faced husband. "Sebastian meet Sean, a guy who works for Elijah and the one who protected me from him."

Sebastian's eyes flashed with recognition and he took a deep calming breath before he forced to tilt his lips into a smile, but to me it looked more of a grimace than a smile. Nodding his head at Sean, he tucked his hands into his pockets and strolled over to Amelia. Sitting besides her, he pulled her closer to his chest and kissed her forehead. Letting out a satisfied sigh, Amelia tucked her head in his neck and inhaled deeply.

"So what brings you here Sean?" Hunter gave Xavier back to Amelia and crossed his arms across his chest.

Sean stood still for a moment and somehow his eyes found mine, glancing away he landed his eyes on Amelia, "Elijah sent me here, said he would be arriving late since something came up."

"Are you going to be staying?" My nose scrunched up as I heard Damon ask him with an irritated voice.

Without a glance his way, he muttered out a "yes," as a smile curved his lips.

"Soph, can you hold Xavier please?, I need to use the restroom," Amelia turned her attention towards me.

Nodding my head, I moved next to her bed and held my arms out to her. Gently laying Xavier down, she slowly stood up and disappeared into the restroom. Sitting down on the chair, I cooed as his eyes opened, his blue eyes stared at me for a moment before they closed and went back to sleep. Stroking his hair, I gazed at his face and noticed his features looked exactly like Sebastian's and that made me smile.

Footsteps were heard and a pair of feet settled into my field of vision, knowing who it was, I didn't lift my head up to acknowledge him. Instead I settled on the bed and continued to stroke Xavier's hair. His soft snores made me smile while unknown tears welled up in my eyes. Oh how I wanted to hold my own child in my arms, to see his smile and hear his laughter and watch him grow up.

"Can I hold him?" Damon extended his hands reluctantly.

Nodding my head, I laid Xavier in his arms and his tough demeanor fell, being replaced with a calm expression. My eyes wandered around his face as he kept gazing down at Xavier with a small sad smile on his lips. His eyes caught mine and he swallowed as his own eyes shone with tears. Forcing my eyes away from his, I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes to will the tears away.

The bathroom door opened and Amelia made her away over to the bed and sat down next to me. Laying her hand on the small of my back, she rubbed it soothingly, helping me to calm down. I didn't know how she could tell I was stressed or feeling down, but I was thankful that it helped my tears to go away. Turning towards, I squeezed her hand and nodded at her silently telling her I was okay.

Slipping off the bed, I stood up to give Amelia space to sleep. After a few moments her soft breaths were heard through the silent room. A giggle left my lips as I looked at her sleeping form sprawled out on the bed. Tucking her in gently, I stroked her head and kissed her forehead.

"You did good," Whispering softly, I walked over to the other side of the room and sat down on the chair. 

Hey loves, I know it's been a long time but I had that writer's block again and I know that this is not my best chapter, but I promise it will get better soon, in the mean time I just figured I had to give you guys something, thank you so much for supporting me ❤️.

Please don't forget to vote and comment 💕.

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