Chapter 5

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Walking down the stairs, I peeked through the hallway to see if anyone was awake. Seeing as the coast was clear, I hopped down the rest of the steps and made a beeline for the kitchen. Letting out a sigh of relief, a huge smile painted my lips as I tiptoed towards the fridge. Pulling the door open,my mouth watered at the contents it held. Not giving a single thought, I pulled out a leftover cake and sat at the kitchen island to happily munch on my dessert.

My actions halted as I heard a creak a few moments later. Sitting frozen with the fork near my mouth, my ears perked up as the person got closer. The lights soon flickered on, blinding me for a moment and I slowly turned around in my seat. Scowling at Damon, I spun around and acted as if I didn't see him. My heart felt like it was about to burst out of my chest the more his footsteps got closer towards where I sat.

Sliding into the seat next to me, he looked straight ahead and made no move to leave. Exhaling deeply, I continued to eat but my frustration got the best of me. Setting my fork down, I wiped my lips with the napkin ever so slowly just to stall me more time before I snapped at him.

"What do you want?", Turning my attention towards him, my eyebrows rose as I saw the distraught look on his face.

Glancing my way, he shrugged his shoulders and sipped on his water that I hadn't noticed he had. Seeing the tired look on his face, my body itched to get closer to him and embrace his tall frame, but knowing I didn't have that privilege anymore, my eyes casted downwards.

Not knowing what else to say, I slowly stood up and walked up to the sink to rinse the dishes. Once done, I opened the dishwasher and put them in a stack before turning it on. As the dishwasher came to life, I glanced at him to see his frame hunched down with his head in his hands.

"Damon, you okay?", Walking closer to him, I rested my hand on his shoulder.

Muscles tensing, he slowly turned around in his seat to look at me. His eyes studied me for a moment before his hands reached out and pulled me closer. A startled gasp fell through my lips as his forehead rested against mine. My heart seemed to sky rocket as his scent enveloped me into a soft cocoon and I knew at this moment I was already doomed.

"What would you do if I told you, I was not okay?", His question made my eyes widen.

I couldn't answer him right away because honestly I didn't know what I would do. If this moment happened eight years ago, I wouldn't hesitate to comfort him, but now that we're not together anymore, I didn't know what to do. But deep inside me, I knew I still wanted him to find comfort in me somehow, because a selfish part of me wasn't ready to let go of those memories we shared.

His chuckle made my eyes snap up to his striking features, his eyes held no humor whatsoever and it made me question his sanity right now. Pulling away from me, he stood up and bent down to my level. Taking a step back, I cleared my throat as he stood up to his full height. Not knowing what his intentions were, I raised my brows in question.

Taking my confusion to his advantage, he took a step forward which made me step back in astonishment. This continued on until my back hit the door of the fridge and he caged me in the confines of his arms. His stare held an intense emotion as he gazed at me. Feeling squeamish, I nervously clasped my hands together tightly and held my breath, waiting for his next move.

His hands softly grasped my chin and he inched closer until our noses bumped against one another. My eyes seeming to work on their own, dropped down to his lips before they quickly found his eyes. Finding him still staring at me, I smiled lopsidedly before biting my lip. By the dangerous glint in his eyes, he seemed to know I was purposely tempting him.

For once, I wanted to forget the tragedies we've faced when we were together. I wanted to pretend everything was okay between us with no boundaries or walls built up. Feeling him move closer and rest his hands on my hip made me feel tingly and as I looked up to his face, I realized that I've truly missed him.

"Soph", His voice sounded pained.

"What?", Smirking at him, I leaned even more closer to him.

"Don't you want this? Fucking me until you can't physically continue, kissing me until you run out of oxygen, isn't this what you want Damon?", A small moan fell from my mouth as I felt his hardened girth.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be Tesoro", Growling, he pushed me up against the wall and caged me in between his arms.

"Let me tell you this Damon, you broke me beyond repair, so you're the one who's making everything hard for the both of us", Hissing, I pushed him away, my wanting for him suddenly vanishing into thin air.

His brows furrowed as he turned away from me. Not even wasting a second, he made his way out of the kitchen and disappeared through the hallway. Tears of anger poured out of my eyes as I slid down the wall. How could I get my lust out of control like that when I knew how he was? No matter what, I couldn't lose myself in him again.

Hey guys, so it's been a while, I am so sorry that I updated so late, but writer's block is a bitch and with all these exams coming up, my brain has been a haywire.

Please don't forget to vote and comment 💕.

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