Chapter 7

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The feet that were carrying me felt heavy as I forced myself to walk to the hospital room Amelia resided in. My face brightened with excitement, yet my heart felt heavy with overflowing sadness numbing my bones. The pain stemmed from my heart and spread to my bones like a never ending tunnel. The life I've had before him was filled with genuine smiles, laughter and the real me, but now it seemed I had to fake all of that for the sake of myself and the people around me.

Just before I could knock on the door, it was pulled open by no other than surprise, surprise Damon. Keeping my emotions at bay, I slid past him into the room. This all seemed familiar to me as I looked around, except I came here to get my dead child out of me. The bitter side of me wanted to scream until no air left my lungs but the other better side wanted, no needed to stay put.

In Sebastian's arms lay the little bundle of joy and no matter how hard I tried to shake away the feeling of jealousy, it still remained imprinted in my heart. In all honesty, I envied their little family. They were happy, their faces were full of constant smiles and laughter. The one thing I dreamed to have was a family of my own, but now that dream was a laughable thought.

"Hey." Came a feminine voice from beside me and upon recognizing, a gentle smile rested on my lips.

Turning my head slightly, my smile widened when my eyes landed on Amelia laying on the bed lazily. A grin made its way onto her lips as she beckoned me over to her. Striding up to her, I pulled her into a hug and squeezed her, inhaling her familiar scent. It calmed my nerves a little and my tense muscles relaxed until I no longer felt the pain within me.

She had this power over everyone she came in contact with, maybe because she understood what pain really was and what it does to a person, but whatever it was I was very thankful for god giving me a sister like her.

Pulling away, I raised a brow at her, "How are you feeling?"

Throwing Sebastian a pointed look, she turned to me "Like hell, he won't even let me go to the bathroom by myself saying, I might faint of exhaustion during my way out."

"In my defense Mi Amore, you did faint not once but twice when you gave birth to our little girl." Sebastian retorted back bemusedly.

Rolling my eyes at their bickering, my eyes fell on the little bundle of joy in his arms and the burning feeling returned within my chest. Images of the baby bloody and parts of him missing flooded my brain, blinking the tears away, I shielded my face with my hair and wiped the fallen tear away. Putting on a smile, I lifted my head up but when I looked at Sebastian, that smile quickly fell as he gave me a mournful look. Shaking my head at him, I stood up and walked up to him.

Gesturing to the little human in his arms, I held out my hands, "May I?"

Softly laying him in my arms, he gazed at his son with admiration before walking over to Amelia. Tuning out their conversation, I looked down at the little one and this time a genuine smile rested on my lips. The sudden peace I felt was indescribable but the pain still remained where it was. His eyes peeked open from his slumber and a gasp escaped my lips.

His eyes, they were a beautiful of green slightly mixed with blue, they stared at me with curiosity until he let out a tiny yawn and his eyes closed falling into a slumber once again. Rocking him back and forth, I inhaled his baby scent and kissed his forehead my lips lingering a bit longer.

Closing my eyes, I imagined my own baby in my arms and wondered if it would feel like this. Holding him in my arms while he slept peacefully, but knowing that privilege was long gone, my eyes opened abruptly and blinked the stupid tears away. Hearing voices outside the door, I tucked the little one closer in my arms so he wouldn't wake up. The door was yanked open and in came Madison and Nicholas running into the room causing commotion.

Stopping near Amelia's bed, Madison held out her hands, "Let me meet him, let me meet him."

Chuckling, I walked over to her and motioned for her to sit down first. Doing as instructed, she sat down and gave me toothy grin. Helping her, I placed him in her arms and watched as she stared at him in awe. As if sensing it was his sister holding him, his eyes opened and studied her carefully. Letting out a little cry, he flailed his arms around and Amelia let out a sigh holding out her arms.

Once he was in his mother's arms, he relaxed and let out a little coo. Amelia started breastfeeding him and I looked away from the intimate moment of the mother and son. My amused eyes glanced at Sebastian as his eyes greedily took the scene before him. I shuddered just imagining what his mind was thinking while looking at Amelia's breasts.

Quietly slipping out of the room, I inhaled deeply and walked into the single bathroom. Yanking the door open, I locked it and slid down the floor. Letting go of the pain, I sobbed endlessly trying to make less noise as much as possible. Numbing the pain can be easy, but once you let it all out, it feels like you can't breathe until it consumes you whole and there is no way out of it, no one to save you but yourself.

"Sophia open the door," Hearing Damon's words, my sobs stilled.

"What do you want?" My voice echoed throughout the small bathroom.

"Please, just open the door Tesoro," Scowling at the nickname he's given me, I sighed and gave in.

Standing up, I wiped my face and kept it neutral as I went to open the door. My heart stuttered in my chest as I took in his full form. Caramel brown eyes stared at me while taking a step closer. I stood my ground and glared at him with hatred shining in my eyes, that ass didn't even flinch, instead he faced me head on. Opening his arms, he stood before me with an expressionless face.

"Hit me," At his comment, my face turned to that one of surprised.

"What?" Laughing at his comment, I rolled my eyes at him.

Clenching his jaw he let out a frustrated sigh, "Come on hit me, I know you want to Tesoro, I can sense you want to unleash your anger out on something, so unleash it on me."

That did it, an agonizing sob shook me to the core as I launched myself at Damon with my small hands turning into fists. My tiny fists hit his chest repeatedly and if it hurt him even a little, he didn't show it and that made me even more furious.

"Why, why did you do this to me, what did I ever do to you to deserve this pain Damon," My weak hands fell to my sides as I brought them up to fist his shirt in my hands tiredly sobbing into his chest.

"Why did you take away an innocent child, let alone your own flesh and blood, why," My voice cracked with an overwhelming emotion.

His hands wounded around me and pulled me closer to his chest, for a moment I just stood there, his shirt creased in my hands, my head lazily laying on his chest and his scent intoxicating my senses. My tears slid down my face and yet no sounds left my lips.

"I am so sorry Tesoro," His whole body shook and for the first time ever, I realized he was crying.

No matter how much I denied it, it truly tore me apart to see him like this.


Whoa, this chapter was a little intense, Damon is such a man 😍😍. But what he did to Sophia was truly unforgivable.

So, what do you guys think, will Sophia forgive him?

Please don't forget to vote and comment 💕.

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