Chapter 11

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Warning: Steamy scene ahead... 😉.

Feeling their eyes on me, I dared myself not to look and forced myself to continue with the task at hand. Moving around the dining table, I helped the other maids to clean up the dishes even though Amelia insisted for me to take a rest. Letting a tired sigh pass through my lips, I struggled to maintain the dishes upright in my hands as they shook with vigor, almost falling down. Hands clasped mine and my eyes landed on Sean who was gesturing for me to give the dishes to him.

Silently handing them over, my eyes unconsciously landed on Damon to see him watching the scene unfold before him with a glare. Flitting my eyes away from him, I smiled at Sean hesitantly before we made our way to the kitchen. Laying the dishes in the sink, I began rinsing them, while Sean watched me, leaning on the counter with his arms crossed over his chest. Stacking the dishes, I turned on the dishwasher and wiped my hands on a towel.

Swiveling around, a startled gasp left me as my eyes connected with Sean who was really close for my liking. Trying to shove him away politely, I laid my hands on his chest and slightly pushed him hoping he would get the hint. To no avail, he stood planted on his spot staring into my eyes making me feel squeamish. Clearing my throat, I leaned away from him and raised my eyebrows expectantly.

Shaking his head, he awkwardly stepped away and scratched his neck making me stifle a giggle at how innocent he looked, but I knew he was far from that one word, he was dark and dangerous with his striking blue eyes that seemed to shine with mirth every time I looked at them. Scolding the thoughts away, I returned my attention to Sean who was now sitting at the island.

"So... What's your story?" His eyes flickered up startled at my question.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Nothing really, I was born into the Russian mafia and started working alongside Elijah as a disguised bodyguard to watch over Amelia and as soon as Edgar died we both took our rightful places."

My body shuddered as my mind went into that dark place where I saw Amelia four years ago and thanked god that she was in a safe place now alongside with Sebastian. Shaking the thoughts away, I focused my eyes on Sean and cleared my throat as I saw him transfixed while looking at me. Before I could say anything, Damon walked into the room and my mood instantly turned sour.

Swiveling around, Sean landed his attention on Damon and getting the cue, he slowly stood up from his seat and left the room without another word. Maybe he wanted to get out of the room before any tension took over or maybe he was just scared of Damon, scoffing at that ridiculous thought, I chose to go with the former. Glaring up at Damon, I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for him to speak.

"Can we talk privately please, Sophia?" Keeping the stoic expression on my face, I nodded my head and left the room without a word expecting him to follow me.

Ignoring the prying eyes of Sean, I made my way up the stairs and opened the door to my bedroom. Looking behind me, I held the door wider for Damon and waited for him to come inside. Softly closing the door, he let out a tired sigh and gently scratched his head before his eyes landed on mine. Unknowingly, my heart rate sped up and I willed myself not to shudder as he took slow steps forward.

Now standing a few feet away from me, he chose to remain in his spot as he studied my reaction to his close proximity. Taking my calmness as a sign to take a step closer, he now brushed his nose up against mine. Sucking in a deep breath, I closed my eyes tightly and forced myself to focus on my breathing. The memories came flooding back and my feet unconsciously took a small step towards him which made him let out a startled gasp.

"What do you want?" His voice sounded strained as he stared down at me with hooded eyes.

The look in his beautiful dark eyes should scare me, it should make me run for the hills and make me never want to come back. But as I gazed at his eyes closely, I craved his touch, his lips, and most of all his heart. I just wanted us to be whole again yet I wasn't sure if I was ready to give all of myself to him knowing he could break me all over again.

Gulping down the lump in my throat, I let out a hesitant sigh, "Kiss me."

His eyes fell on mine surprised at my demand and he made no move to lean in closer. Feeling dejected, I tried to push him away, but he captured both of my hands in his and let out a pained hiss as he suddenly captured my lips with his swallowing my startled wheeze. An unexpected moan slipped past my lips as I tasted him for the first time in a long time. With my hands still captured in his, he began to walk both of us backwards until my back hit the wall.

His hands left mine and began to trail downwards until they stopped at the button of my jeans. Muscles tensing, I broke off the kiss and took a deep breath before staring up at him with hazy eyes. With a nod of finality, I guided his hands back and without a word, he started to unbutton my jeans. His hands made contact with my panties and I sucked in a sharp breath as a shudder ran through me.

"Tell me what you want Tesoro," His voice came out demanding as he groaned when he felt my wetness.

Rubbing me slowly through my panties, his eyes glinted dangerously as he waited for my answer. I couldn't even utter a single word as my attention was  focused on the pleasure he was giving me oh so torturously. Suddenly his hands left me completely causing me to cry out frustratedly, glaring up at him, I tried to guide his hands back to where I wanted.

His lips formed into a tiny smirk and he let out a teasing chuckle, "I want you to beg for it."

A scoff passed through my lips and I tried to walk past him, but he kept me in place by trapping me to the wall. His face now stood several centimeters away from mine and I so badly wanted to lean in and press my lips to his. My mouth fell open as his hands traveled down and slipped through my panties. Unspeakable pleasure shot through my veins as I moaned continuously and his hands sped up bringing me to my peak.

My toes began to curl and my muscles began to convulse and just as I was about to reach my orgasm, his hands stopped abruptly. My eyes shot wide open to see his smirking face. Bringing his lips closer, he kissed the corner of my mouth and stood up to his full height. Now beyond frustrated with his games, I stood on my tip toes and glared daggers into his eyes.

"If you don't make me come, I'll castrate you," My voice came out venomous which amused him.

"So much for begging," He muttered and pushed me against the wall roughly.

Capturing my lips into a bruising kiss, he dragged my panties down my legs and slipped his two digits inside me. Not giving me a time to adjust, his fingers picked up their speed and rammed my insides. My toes curled further, up to the point where they began to hurt and my inner walls began to tighten around his digits. With a cry of ecstasy, I threw my head back and came undone before him.


Welp that just happened 😳..... is it too hot in here or is it just these two?

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