Chapter 4

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It hurts. It hurts so bad that I can barely breathe. Everywhere I look, I see her staring at me with her beautiful smile on her lips and her melodic laugh echoes around me wherever I go. I try to touch her, but I can't because after all she's just a figment of my imagination and that thought sends shivers all over my being, knowing I can't see her or touch her makes my heart squeeze painfully in my chest. But I have to be strong, if not for my sake, but our son's.

As I walk towards her, all the memories we've created plays through my brain like a beautiful movie but knowing the ending, I shake my head and focus on Nicholas who's walking beside me with his hand in mine. He tugs at my hand signaling for me bend down, once I do, his little arms circle around my neck and he hugs me tightly.

A little smile makes its way onto my lips and I pull him closer returning his hug as best as I can. After a moment, I pull away and stroke his cheek which reminds me of Melody's. He looks just like his mom and whenever I look at him, I can breathe a little easier, because knowing I have him is the best assurance I can get from this life.

"Let's see your mom, yeah?", Standing up, I enclose my hand in his and we continue walking.

My heart feels heavy in my chest as we near her and the tears from my eyes fall no matter how hard I try to blink them back. A deep sigh resonates from my mouth and I see her tombstone just a few feet away. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I glance down at Nicholas who's trying to keep his tears at bay.

"Hey buddy, it's okay to cry", I crouched down again and wiped his tears for him.

"I miss my mommy, dad", Sniffling, his lips trembled as he tried to calm down.

Pulling him into a hug, I rubbed his back softly until his sniffles subsided. Standing up to my height, we both stopped in front of her and I gazed at her name. "Here lies: A lover, A friend, and A mother, Melody Adams. Sitting down beside her tombstone, Nicholas laid her favorite flowers and greeted her softly.

Feeling her presence, a serene feeling washed over me and a smile tugged on my lips. I knew she was gone, but her soul remained right here in my heart and the feeling I've got from it instantly, caused relief to wash over me. Maybe I was going crazy, but whatever it was, I didn't want it to stop.

"Hey Mia Bella", A lump in my throat formed and I glanced towards Nicholas to see him hunched over with his head in his hands.

No six year old has to go through what he's going through, first his own dad tears him away from his mother, he had to grow up without a mom for years and now when they're finally reunited, she's torn away from him again. I didn't know how to comfort him, let alone raise a child, but I hope I am doing good. When he called me dad for the first time, my heart just jolted in my chest and I felt alive again despite Melody being gone, he was my only solace now.

I don't think I can ever find a woman better than Melody, she was my fate and soulmate. She will remain as my soulmate and when I do meet her again in the after life, I'll make sure to propose to her again and marry her on the spot. She was one of a kind and I don't think I'll ever move on from the love she gave me, the love I have for her will remain in my heart even when I am old.

"Mommy, can you please come back?", His question hung in the air unanswered and it broke me inside and out to see him like this.

Laying a hand on his back, I tried to comfort him as best as I can while, trying to keep my own tears away. It tore me to see him like this, but we couldn't change what happened or how it happened, if I could, I would go back in time without a thought and save her like I promised to.

"I'll go wait in the car", Giving me a small smile, he walked away, towards the car.

Thinking it's best to leave him alone, I let out a sigh and turned my attention back to her. Even though, Nicholas was six years old, he was way too mature for his age that it scared me sometimes, but every once in a while, I would see him play with Madison and my heart would calm a little knowing his childhood isn't going to a waste.

Blowing a puff of air, I gazed at her tombstone and closed my eyes, imagining her near me. "It's so hard to live without you, Mia Bella".

"Each day just gets harder without your sweet voice, smile and laughter. Knowing your not here anymore, just kills me but I have to keep going because if I am not here, who will Nicholas lean on? I just hope you're watching over us and looking proudly at our son because that's what he deserves. I hope you found the peace you always wanted even if it's without me. Maybe this is selfish of me to ask of you, but please don't move on, wait for me, Mia Bella".

The pain he carries is just 😭😭😭. Ugh I have no words for his loyalty to Melody. His love is soo pureee, that it makes me want to keep him all to myself.

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