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They walked into Kanata's a quarter past six, the glow of the lights illuminating Rey in a bright orange glow. She shone like sunshine, the light that somehow found a way to warm his soul. Ben realized as they stood there at the front of the restaurant how completely and utterly fucked he was.   

Here goes nothing. 

Rey led him to the table where the rest of her friends waited, her hand encasing his own. He assumed it was Rose that was waving enthusiastically to them, broad welcoming smile on display. 

"Hey guys!" Rey said, her voice litting to the usual charm he experienced when she talked about her friends. 

"Ben, this is Finn, his fiancee Rose, Poe, and Paige." Rose's sister smiled, well no, more like smirked up at them from her seat at the table. 

Ah so there is the one responsible for Rey's proposition. 

"Guys, this is Ben," She finished. 

"Ah, so this is the boyfriend we've heard so much about. Specifically, oh what was it Rey?" She slapped Poe on the arm who was now grinning beyond belief. "That the man who stole your heart was tall, dark and handsome, and I quote 'was broad enough to climb like a tree'."

Ben looked over at his 'girlfriend' who now had turned an adorable shade of pink. A shade that Ben had a newfound love for. 

"Oh really?" Ben inquired, sliding an arm around her. "And is that all she said?" 

Paige cut in next, glancing over at her friend who now leaned lazily into his touch, something Ben tried hard not to think much about. Just how warm she was. Her freckled shoulders bare to the world, and so close. He got the sudden urge to kiss them and the freckles that lay like stars on her skin. 

"Oh no! We also got the spill on just how amazing yo—" Rey clamped her hand over Paige's mouth whispering violently. 

Ben chuckled as they sat down, Rey sliding into the booth next to him. 

                                                          ~~~                 ~~~

Rey felt amazing. Beyond amazing actually. 

It was amazing just how much her brain could fool her. 

There had been numerous times she had fallen into the easiness and comfort that was Ben. Numerous times that she found herself forgetting just what they had agreed upon. How he was only doing this, acting like this, to play the part of her boyfriend. 

It may or may prompted her to drink a little more than intended, which now may or may not be a problem. 

"You are amazing." She mutters to him as he starts the drive home, watching the muscles in his arm move as he turns the steering wheel. Its so strange, she thinks, that she has become so attracted to this man that even the most mundane of tasks make it harder for her to breathe. 


"You are everything I could have asked for, and your hair is..." She closes her eyes imaging just how it felt underneath her fingers that night. She had marveled at its softness, at how thick it was. Rey also may or may not have taken advantage of their date acting and used it as an excuse to run her fingers  thorough it multiple times that night, the number increasing with every drink she had. 

It got much harder to keep her thoughts inside. 

Rey tried to sleep instead, hoping the car ride back could remain professional to some degree.

She was roused by strong arms and the scent of cinnamon. Her sleep and liquor muffled brain didn't have the energy to protest as he hoisted her up and carried her back to her apartment. 

"Sweetheart, do you have your key?" He asked as he gently set her down, a large hand tucking her hair behind her ear. 

Rey hummed staring up at him before dazily rummaging through her purse. 

She finally found her keys and opened the door. Ben helped her inside, undoing her bed and taking her purse from her before grabbing a glass of water and forcing her to drink it. 

"Thank you,"Rey said. She hoped he knew it wasn't just about the water. 

He left with a lazy touch to the small of her back and a smile. 

Rey drempt of strong arms and dark eyes. Of murmured words and twining limbs.

This was insanely short... and for that I am sorry.

**You should also apologize for the utter crap that this chapter is.**

And I apologize for the lack of... good content in this chapter. I'm hoping the next chapter will be better.

**You say that every time.**


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