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Rey woke up to find all the protector pillows either on the floor or so pushed down the bed that they didn't really help. 

She also woke up snuggled right up against the literal man of her dreams. Her chin was nestled into his muscled chest and she was snuggling his arm. She must have barnacled onto the poor man last night. Rey should've warned him she had a tendency to do that sometimes

Ben just lay there as Rey tried to come up with an escape plan. Don't get her wrong, if it was up to her monkey brain she would've stayed there for hours, but luckily her rational side won this morning— a miracle considering she was still in her morning tired state— and she shifted slightly trying to ease her way off of him. 

It turned out to be a mistake. 

Ben draped his not trapped arm around her and drug her closer, enveloping her in warmth while muttering something that sounded suspiciously like her name. 

It soon became very difficult not to notice the hard on that was pressing up against her stomach. 

It also became very difficult not noticing just exactly how big he was. 

Nope, not thinking about that.

Rey squirmed lightly, hoping to get out of this situation before she did something stupid, all while trying not to think at all period. 

She knew the second he woke up because he launched sideways creating as much distance between them as possible without falling off the bed. 

See Rey, he's revolted. No need to get your brain going over something that isn't true.

"Sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean to– I don't know. I just– ah fuck." He was stumbling over his words as he sat up, running his hand through his hair. 

"Ben, it's okay." 

He sighed long and hard before he said, "I didn't do anything did I?" 

"What? Oh no, no! It's my fault anyway. I have a habit of snuggling with whatever is closest and warmest anyway. I should have warned you." It was a rushed response. Not one of Rey's finest but it would do. There wasn't much else she could think to say without making things more awkward.

Ben glanced over at the clock. 

"We better get up, wouldn't want to miss complementary breakfast."

Changing the subject. Good plan. 

"Yeah. Do you want to use the bathroom first?" Rey asked trying to assist in the conversation distraction. 

"You can go." 


Rey got out of bed and fumbled into the bathroom, now blatantly aware of just how short her night shorts were. Luckily she remembered to grab her day clothes before she undressed. 

The whole situation was going from bad to worse, and yet... Rey didn't want it to change. She would take whatever pretend love and affection from Solo and try not to make a fool of herself in the process. 

She splashed water on her face to calm her nerves. 

What is this? Are you in some sort of drama movie now?

There was no telling what the rest of the day would hold.


If she kept touching his ears he was going to lose it. This was a new thing he guessed she decided to try that day, much to his pleasure yet also much to his detriment. 

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