Scandals II

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Maya was quick to get from the foyer of the massive apartment complex to her motorcycle, a very expensive Harley Davidson Cosmic Starship. She took care of that bike with her life and handled it with the upmost delicacy; but as of right now all she was thinking about was Riley- and not in the good way. When Lucas finally caught up to her, she was still fumbling with the keys, attempting to jam them into the key slot in order to turn the motorcycle on.

"Woah there, Shortstack, I don't think you should be riding that in your state-"

"That's none of your goddamn business, Lucas." Maya snaps back at him, desperate to drive her bike at this point.

"Kinda is," Lucas snatches the keys from her and holds them above his head and out of Maya's reach, "I need you alive since I live in your property"

Maya, while attempting to get a grasp on the keys, mumbles countless insults to Lucas such as, "Texan redneck " and, "Horse kissing bitch". Obviously that was her anger talking, but Lucas was only amused by her burst of energy.

"Isn't it Riley you should be mad at? I know I remind you of her but cool it, Sunshine." He smirks.

Maya finally gives up, slumping on her motorcycle and running a hand through her hair in frustration.

"I know Huckleberry, I'm sorry. I'm just- this was a big moment for me and now it's probably going to be ruined. Big time. You know how talented Riley is. She had charm, charisma, intelligence, and talent. I don't know how to compete with that."

Lucas looks at the blonde in consideration, giving her a warm smile.

"Let's go." Maya perks back up, giving him a quizzical look as the boy heads towards his car; a hand-me- down Tesla Maya gifted him a couple years ago.

"You coming?" Lucas says to Maya, swinging his keychain around with his index finger. Maya nods, walking towards the passenger side and sliding into the seat while attempting making herself more confortable.

"Cute little ride, isn't it?" Maya smirks, gesturing at the stains on the seats and the scratches on the panels of the car. Lucas playfully rolls his eyes at Maya, gently punching her shoulder, "Not my fault you were being a cheapskate."

"Don't be an asshole, Hop-Along. I've got massive power over you. Don't forget, you kinda live off the food on my hand at the moment." Maya conversed, chuckling at the taller blonde who was obviously tired of hearing how much of a free- loader he actually is. Maya and Lucas had been friends since middle school, and are now 19-year old best friends. Lucas had some trouble getting on his feet once they both graduated; him being no longer supported by his parents whom moved back to Texas. Being as close as they are, Maya insisted that he stayed with her as she focuses on her career. She made her big break as a senior, at the same time as Riley, and is still going through masses of success.

It was quite hard for Lucas at first, being friends to such a sensation. He was constantly (and still is) being shipped with the shorter blonde, being hoarded with questions about the extent of their relationship. He didn't blame them though, you could only imagine what could be going on when two hormonal teens are living alone together with only their company to keep them occupied. Rest assured, nothing was going on between them. Lucas admits he had a crush, as expected, on the blonde beauty; but soon got over it once he got some suspicions about Maya and her love life.

Maya's biggest secret? She loved hooking up with girls. Straight girls, gay girls, curious girls; no one could resist her charm and her beautiful blue orbs. She was an enticing being, little did she know, and no one could stay away for too long. Of course, no one knew about Maya's little affairs. Not even Lucas, whom she constantly had to sneak around in order to insure that he wouldn't find out.

Shortly after, Lucas pulls up to his favorite cafe.

"Seriously Huckleberry? You dragged me over for some coffee and bread? If you wanted to go on date, you should have just asked." Maya winks, before bursting into a fit of laughter as a noticeable blush creeps onto the boy's cheeks.

"Don't be ridiculous, I actually have a bit of a surprise of you."


Maya looks into the cafe suspiciously, before walking in. Still eyeing around for anything out of the ordinary, the blonde slumps into a booth; shrugging off her coat and hanging it on the edge of the booth seat. Lucas follows behind, sitting on the opposite side of the table and taking a menu off the hostess stand.

Maya waits for Lucas to provide a further explanation, but it never comes. Instead, she's greeted by a waitress.

"Hey young lady, what can I get for you today?" The woman started, pulling out a pen and a pad to write the order. Maya looks up from the menu Lucas handed to her before dropping it in shock, seeing the person in front of her. The older woman looked up from her pad, looking equally as shocked as the shorter blonde staring at her, mouth agape.



Maya looks around the cafe once again, this time instantly recognizing the design; a design she was familiar with as a young teen. It was Topanga's, with a new and very revamped design. She mentally cursed herself for, one, not recognizing the home-y atmosphere of the cafe beforehand and, two, for letting Lucas outsmart her. She didn't dare look at him as she imagined Lucas smirking at the girl, impressed by his ability to trick her. This was not the case, however, as the boy was watching the scene unfold with a bit of fear. He hoped that Maya seeing Topanga might rekindle some old feelings without making her too angry about the past.

Lucas knew that the girl secretly admired Topanga and even saw her as a motherly figure in her younger days, though she refused to admit it. The way she looked at Topanga gave away though, as Maya never failed to give her full attention to the older woman when she spoke.

The corners of Topanga's mouth slowly tug upwards and she gives Maya a genuine smile while her eyes glint with tears. "It's been such a long time Maya, I've missed you." This gave the girl a pang of guilt in her chest, as she thought about how she slowly stopped communicating with Topanga as the years went by for reasons unknown by Lucas and Topanga. Though, Topanga never failed to support her on social media with nice comments and compliments.

Soon, Maya's eyes water as well as she looks at Topanga. "Let's go outside?" She cautiously asks the woman. Topanga nods, eager to bond with Maya as they used to so long ago. Maya takes Topanga's hand as they head out to the parking lot outside. Topanga turns to face Maya as her caring smile is quickly hidden and instead replaced with a serious look.

"I know what's going on with you."

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