Scandals III

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Maya visibly tenses up once Topanga says these words. Her mind was running a mile a minute, trying to figure out what dark deep secret could have been discovered by the older woman. But she couldn't think of much besides one thing; her being gay. The idea of someone finding out scared the crap out of her; she didn't know what could happen if it got out to the public. It could affect her career, personal relationships, basically anything and everything. That's what she thought, at least.

Maya nervously awaits a further response from Topanga, who was currently giving her a stern look. This made Maya even more apprehensive, as Topanga was the only one who could make Maya complaisant with just a single stare.

To be honest, Topanga didn't actually know what was going on with Maya, as she became very secretive and reserved as she became older and her fame grew. This was the complete opposite of her daughter, who didn't think twice when revealing information to the public. The brunette girl absolutely loved the public attention; it gave her a chance to be even more open and friendly to the people around her. Of course, the girl learned overtime that this wasn't actually the best idea but couldn't help it as the looks of admiration her fans gave her made her helpless to revealing a bit too much. Including, a bit too much about her relationship with Maya.

Maya was about to crack under Topanga's stare, about to reveal every piece about her just so she could be freed from the woman's clutches. But, finally, Topanga then opens her mouth and says,

"The script."

Maya looks up from the concrete pavement to stare at her in confusion. Topanga digs in her pockets and pulls out a folded piece of paper and gently places it in the blonde's hands. As even more confusion appears on the girls face, she opens the piece of paper that reads 'Dissipated: the plot'. Maya skims through the paper as Topanga further explains.

"It's the plot-line for the movie Riley posted on Instagram" Maya tenses at her name, not wanting to remember the old memories she had with the young brunette. "I remember when she showed it to me, she was so excited to have the production under works. She's always had a vision, you know? A very creative one," she chuckles at the thought of her eccentric yet joyful daughter "But there was a problem. Her vision was clouded. I noticed it right away while reading the script. You know why?" Maya looks up from the sheet of paper and shakes her head, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Because of you," Topanga takes the paper from Maya's hands and motions at plot points on it before continuing, "Everything in this movie, it's about you. The girl, the story, the relationship." Hearing this, Maya was utterly shocked- not aware of how much their broken relationship affected Riley's life.

She reads the script again, this time fully aware of how every single detail reflected her teenage life with Riley. The more she thought, the more she realized how much she missed the beautiful brunette. Maya learned to repress her feelings as time went on, and eventually she swore she had moved on. But truth be told, she ached for the girls touch and their long conversations, where they talked their hearts out for the whole day. They loved each others company, and they both knew they missed it.

"Why?" Topanga starts, "Why did you push each other away?"

Maya, at this point, was at the verge of tears. Topanga noticed, and pulled the girl in for a tight hug. This broke Maya, as she started to sob into the older woman's shoulder. Topanga comforted the girl in her arms, whispering sweet nothings into her ear as she slowly calmed down.

Maya wiped her face and looked at Topanga's shirt apologetically, giving her a small smile.

"I'm sorry." Is all the girl manages to muster from her mouth.

"If you want to thank me, go to Riley," she pauses, "Please."

Maya nods, a way to show the woman that she would make things right. Topanga knew she meant it. If she's learned anything in life, it's that Maya was great at keeping a promise.


Maya shyly walks back into the cafe, attempting her best to cover her face; her eyes still puffy from crying. It didn't work though, as Lucas' first comment was,

"Holy shit, Maya."

"This is all your fault." She motions at her face, wiping her still teary eyes. Lucas stares at her for a moment, taking in her features. Even though she looked like she just came out of a train wreck, she still managed to look gorgeous. Lucas chuckles for a bit, thinking about the little crush he had on her.

"So you're not mad?" Lucas questions, knowing he would probably end up homeless if she was. Luckily, Maya shakes her head and gives the Texan a small smile.

"I'm going to make things right." Is all she says, receiving an approving nod from the taller blonde.

"I know you are. You always do, don't you?"

"I hope so." Maya then suddenly stands up and quickly gets out of the booth, pulling out her wallet and throwing Lucas a $50 bill before taking his keys. She looks back, smirking at him as he rolls his eyes. Though he didn't worry too much as he watched Maya get into the run-down Tesla, he knew she was going to make things right.

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