Choosing Eachother

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That's how long Riley and I have been waiting for the stupid cowboy to make his decision. Though not spoken by either of us, we both knew we were starting to become majorly impatient of the Texan's indecisiveness. His cowardliness was starting to show; as every time he thought he came to a decision, he wimped out in the end and came up with an excuse to wait even longer than we already have.

It was not a good look on him, that was for sure.

It first started as a simple, "I don't want to hurt either of you." It was a cute gesture, and both Riley and I were genuinely moved by his thoughtfulness and consideration for our newborn feelings towards the boy.

The second time, I was accused of 'losing myself' or some shit like that. I went along with it of course, not wanting to ruin the feeling of heroism the Texan felt after putting his feeling aside once again. Riley though, as I noticed, was quite confused by my sudden personality change and took it upon herself to figure out what had caused my change in demeanor. To both of our surprise, we realized Lucas was the direct cause of this, and she soon started to worry if the triangle would someday break us apart.

Boy, she couldn't have been more wrong.

As my personality change was "solved", the games soon began once again. But something was different;

Riley and I were sick of it.

We were sick of the annoying remarks Lucas made, claiming to be some saint for being to kind and inclusive to both our feelings; if there were any left, that is.

We were sick of his boring and repetitive stories back in Texas, the only thing that made him even remotely unique.

We were sick of his Texan personality, where he felt that he had to protect the two girls whom are hopelessly in love with him.

Or, at least, were.

Neither of us could even remember why we fell in love with the bland, tan-skinned boy. We caught ourselves sometimes staring at him, desperately trying to find something remotely attractive in him.

No luck so far.

Sooner or later, here we were; 2 hormonal 16 year old teenagers waiting for an average boy to choose between one of us.

"He's such a selfish bitch." Riley jeers, rolling her eyes at her current lock screen; a photo of Lucas carrying Riley piggyback style. She was giving the camera an alluring smile, one I could tell was horribly staged.

She was currently getting herself ready in her bathroom, fixing her hair and makeup excessively.

I chuckle at her remark, mainly because I knew it was true. "Good morning to you too, Sunshine." She playfully sticks her tongue out in response, and I'm quick to pinch her tongue with my fingers. In retaliation, she bites my fingers and I yelp at her action. I clutch my index finger, overdramatizing the pain a bit.

"Holy fuck Riley, if you're going to bite me at least do it in the neck." I sneak a flirtatious glance at her before winking once she processes what I said. I expect her to get flustered or embarrassed, but all she does is shoot me a look, before shooting a hairband at my chest. "Keep it in your pants, Hart." At this, I throw my hands up in the air in frustration. "Can you blame me? I'm so fucking hot and yet I haven't even been kissed yet! All because we're waiting on that bitchy ass Cowboy for who knows why!"

She turns around from the mirror and faces me, looking at me in consideration.

"So we don't." She says simply

I'm thrown off for a bit, before I regain my composure. "What do you mean?" I stare at her in utter shock, surprised she would give up after the hell we've been put through.

Riley puts down her hairbrush and starts explaining, "Look, Maya, we've wasted 2 good years of our high school year on a guy that doesn't even deserve us," she pauses, placing a hand on my shoulder "We haven't even had a chance to understand ourselves or explore our options because we think he's all we got."

"And what else do we got?" I inquire

Her hand slowly moves to my waist, and at this point my hormones are raging. I didn't even care who it was at this point, but I just wanted to release all these bottled up feelings and emotions on someone. But I wouldn't mind it at all if it happened to be Riley.

"The options right in front of us." She whispers in my ear, her hot breath hitting my face. Her hand trails further down from my waist until it reaches my inner thigh, and I watch in suspense; desperately wanting what could happen next.

She pauses, letting silence fill the bathroom. I was waiting in anticipation, not daring to make a move in case this moment would stop if I shifted even a bit.

More silence.

I couldn't take it anymore, i was a hormonal mess and I wanted more. I needed this moment

This moment with Riley.

I swiftly pull her onto the counter as I initiate a hungry and passionate kiss. She responds immediately, deepening the kiss as she bites my lip. I moan as this, giving her a chance to slip her tongue into my mouth. She explores my mouth with her tongue as she pulls me up from the bathroom floor and onto her lap, where I position myself so I'm able to straddle her waist. The kiss got more intense as time went on, and I smile against her soft lips.

I guess she wanted this as much as I did .

More tension rises as we pull away from the kiss, gasping for air. Everything in this moment felt so right, like as if this was meant to happen.

"What about Lucas?" Riley asks in between pants.

"Lucas who?" I smirk at her, getting off her waist and picking her up off the counter, and onto the bed.

I topple onto her, pinning her arm to the bed while using my free hand to trace the curves on her body




Waist .

I wanted every single piece of her in that instant. I looked at her, and her big brown eyes were staring back at me with lust. She nods when I furrow my eyebrows at her, asking for permission to do more.

"I'm all yours" she husks at me
"And you're all mine" I respond back, before practically ripping her clothes off her body.

I take a moment to admire her petite and tan figure. She was an absolute beauty.

And she was all mines.

¿Me & You? - Rilaya Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now