Purely Platonic

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Maya and Riley.

Riley and Maya.

Saying their names felt oddly strange without saying the other along with it. After all, you could never find one of them without the other following very close behind. They were exactly like those friendship cliches you would often watch on tv shows or movies: they went to the bathroom together, went out together, slept on the same bed together- the list could go on for ages if so desired.

They were the perfect pair, no one could deny that, and everyone around them were sure that no friendship would ever compare to the extraordinary bond the girls shared since the beginning of their lives.

And how are they so sure, you may ask?

Just see for yourself.


It was another average Tuesday at the Matthews residence, and Maya and Riley were frantically getting changed. They completely forgot to set an alarm for the next school day, considering that they were too busy cuddling last night for the thought to ever cross their minds.

"Hey Maya, should I go for the red or black matching set?" She holds up both pairs against her naked body, awaiting for the blonde to respond.

The blonde looks at her indifferently, shrugging at her. "I dunno, not like anyone's gonna notice your $40 set anyways."

Riley sticks her tongue out in response, flinging a bra at her. "You're no help, Peaches, just hurry up and get changed."

"Sure thing, mom." She rolls her eyes at the insistent brunette as she proceeds to put on the bra Riley tossed at her along with the panties that went along with it.

Riley, on the other hand, was struggling to clasp her bra in place. Maya laughs at the sight of the brunette impatiently attempting to stretch her arms back in order to hook her bra.

"A little help?" She motions to herself, trying to not snap at the still-laughing girl in front of her.

"Yup, I'm on it." Maya walks over to Riley and quickly hooks her bra in place, giving her ass a squeeze afterwards.

"Thanks, now go make yourself useful and get me an outfit to wear." She turns away from the shorter girl, proceeding to fix her hair and makeup in the bathroom. Maya playfully scoffs, but still obeys to her directions as she always does.


At school, Maya and Riley do the normal things best friends do: talk, hold hands, hug, basically anything and everything you could possibly think of.

After quickly shoving some non-essentials into their lockers, the girls link their arms together and nonchalantly walk over to their friend group with the new addition of Smackle, whom had transferred over from her old school a few days ago.

The friends had been comparing their schedules to Smackle's, in hopes that they would end up in the same classes.

"Any luck?" Maya asks Smackle.

"Yes, i actually have a few classes with the boys." She responds.

"Well thats unlucky, I'm sure you don't want to be stuck with these dimwits all day long"

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