Gay Vibes

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I push open the double doors of Abigail Adams High as I'm soon greeted with the smells of Axe body spray, expensive perfume, and way too many body odors for my nostrils to handle.

Yup, seems about right for a high school.

Clutching my phone in my right hand, I uncrumple a piece of paper handed to me by the guidance counselor from when I made a quick visit to the school last week. I skim through the directions written down to make it to the office as I hastily speed through the seemingly never ending hallways until I reach my destination.

I rap my hand on the door and take a seat in the waiting room as I await a response.

"Come in!"

Quickly standing up, I take some time to straighten my clothes and look at my reflection on my phone's screen.

Seems good enough.

I open the door to the counselors office and look around the room for a face. I'm soon greeted by a curly, brown haired man whom seems to be in his early 40s.

"Hey..." I start, avoiding eye contact with the man as I hesitantly take a seat in one of the chairs facing his desk. He gives me a warm smile, taking a seat in a black rolling chair as he pulls out some papers from the filing cabinet underneath him.

"So I assume you're the infamous Maya Hart I've heard so much about?"

"Infamous?" I question as my shoulders stiffen at his remark.

"Yeah, aren't you the one who graffitied Christopher Park a few weeks back?"

"Oh! Right, that's me." I relax a bit, glad he's unaware about my real misdemeanors. I was known to be quite the troublemaker in my old school; from detentions to suspensions, I did whatever it took to cause problems for the teachers. One of my favorite moves was when I 'accidentally' set off the sprinklers while protesting homework in schools. The teachers were definitely pissed, but no one would stop taking about it for weeks.

Though, now that I was officially expelled for a year, I decided that now would be a great time to turn over a new leaf, or at least that's what my mom insisted on the 20 minute car ride to get here. Either way, I'd rather not be held back a grade, so I guess I'll just have to make do with what I have for the time being.

"Well I hope you know that incidents like that will not be tolerated, no matter how pretty it may look." He raises an eyebrow at me, attempting his best to seem intimidating. I nod, subconsciously agreeing with whatever he says.

"..Ok, so one of our best students will be giving you a tour of the school for the day." I perk back up, giving him a wide-eyed look. If there was one thing I wasn't looking forward to, it was this. I'm not a big fan of the idea of some suck-up teacher's pet giving me pointless information about a school that I couldn't care any less about.

He notices my expression and straightens. "Whether you like it or not, Ms. Hart, I can't have you being late for class nor getting lost on your first day. And either way, you have nothing to worry about! This student is great!"

As if on cue, the door flies open to reveal an eccentric yet very beautiful brunette.

"Hey, Daddy!"

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