Fatigue and Fascination

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I've been trying to make an authors note for twenty minutes and I got nothing.

I wanna gush about the reads but I do that every single chapter and I feel like that will get annoying pretty quickly  :)

On with the story I guess


"You what?", you choked, fear washing over you at Jimin's words. You tried to pull away from Taehyung, but his grip was like iron. You continued to struggle nonetheless, the memories of being attacked still vivid and raw in your mind.

"Hey hey, calm down baby", Taehyung whispered softly. "We aren't going to hurt you I promise".

Jimin crouched down in front of you, and reached out to cup your face in his hands. You flinched at the action, but he didn't pull away. He looked into your eyes, his black pupils were dilated, leaving a thin band of dark red around the edge. Contrary to the violent colors, his expression was warm and mellow.

"We aren't like the rogue", his voice was gentle and persuasive. "It feels nice when you're bitten the right way". He stroked your cheekbones with his thumbs carefully. "You'll want more, trust me". 

"We can't bite you for a few days anyway, you need to recover", Hoseok added, giving you what was supposed to be a reassuring smile. His long delicate fangs ruined it slightly, giving him a dangerous look. "You lost far too much blood, you were supposed to die I think". You shuddered at his words, and Jungkook shot you a sympathetic look. "You should rest", he said quietly. "we should all rest I think", Jin said suddenly. "Let's go to bed". This spiked your interest, you couldn't help but ask.

"Vampires sleep?", your voice was fascinated. Namjoon laughed, which set the others off too. "Yes we do", his voice was amused. "We don't need quite as much sleep as humans, but it does replenish our strength".

"But you need lots of sleep", Taehyung said, sliding his hands under your knees and back and lifting you up bridal-style. You were overcome by a wave of fatigue at his words, and you didn't even bother to protest anymore, you simply wrapped your arms around his neck. "Good girl", his voice was so soothing and relaxing, it made you even more tired. 

He carried you out of the living room and up a flight of stairs. How big is their house? you wondered. It seemed to go on forever, door after door, corner after corner, although maybe it was just you becoming delirious with tiredness. After an eternity, he stopped outside a door that had the letters KTH engraved into the wood. He bent over slightly to open the door without dropping you.

The door swung open soundlessly, it was a little eerie if you were being honest. In your apartment creaked and groaned even if you weren't moving. You were not used to the silence.

You felt a soft mattress underneath you suddenly, and a blanket being pulled over you. The room was dark, but you could make out Taehyung's silhouette hovering above you. "How are you feeling", he murmured. He reached his hand out to feel your forehead, his hand was cold. It felt nice. You hadn't realized how warm you were.

"You have a small fever", he said quietly. "It's not too bad though". He slid his hand down the side of your face to caress your cheek. "I think sleep will do good baby", he whispered. He leaned closer to your neck. Without warning, he gently kissed where you had been bitten. The feeling of his lips against your skin sent sparks of electricity through your body. He lifted his head after a few seconds with a sigh.

"I don't think I'll ever get enough of that", he moved over and laid down beside you. 

"Go to sleep my love", his deep, soft, raspy voice and his arms wrapping around your waist were the last things you were aware of before darkness consumed you.


Yes I know it's short sorry :(

But in the next few chapters it will begin to get more interesting I promise.

Have an amazing day, don't forget to love yourself.

Peace out. uwu

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