100k!!! also bonus chapters???

19.9K 979 912

"Hello reader". Taehyung smiles indulgently at you.

"We're here on behalf of our author", Jimin appears from behind him, smacking him on the shoulder. "And move out of the way, you're blocking my view of our lovely reader".

"Not our fault you're so small", Hoseok shrugs from beside him.

He glares at him, baring his fangs.

"That's enough", Namjoon interrupts hastily, before turning back to you. "As Jimin was saying, the author has sent us to you on her behalf, to thank you".

"She never expected this much love and support for her writing", Jungkook pipes up, and the others nod in agreement.

"God, remember when the book hit 100 reads, and she was crying?", Yoongi shudders in horror. "I don't want to think about how emotional she is, there's probably a disgusting amount of tears".

"That's why we're here instead", Jin laughs.

"In all seriousness dear reader", Hoseok turns to look at you. "She is so grateful that so many of you leave such sweet comments, she loves to read through them when she feels down".

"And she'd like to thank you for helping her realise how much she loves writing", Jungkook says softly. "She had no idea how passionate she truly was about it until she began writing this book".

"She also hopes that in this tiny little kinky corner of the internet, we can continue to be a positive community of love and friendship", Jimin concludes.


"Jimin, that's not in the script, the readers are not kinky", Jin scolded.

"I have to take Jimin's side on this one", Taehyung smirks at you. "Don't think I don't see your daddy comments, you adorable readers".

"Excuse me, you're not the only one who gets those comments!", Jimin pouts and crosses his arms.

"Cute", he leans over and pinches his cheek, before turning back to you.

"Guys, author left us a script for a reason, and this is the reason, so can we please try and follow it?", Namjoon groans despairingly.

"I think it's really too late for that now", Jungkook points out.

"What we want to tell you", Hoseok smiles at you. "Is that our author is still very attached to us".

"Quite embarrassing", Yoongi adds.

"And she was wondering", Hoseok shoots him a glare. "If you would like some bonus chapters?".

"Would you like to see more of us babygirl?", Taehyung purrs.

"God, could you keep it in your pants for two seconds Tae", Jin whines.

"Such a spoilsport", Tae sticks his tongue out at him. "But for my precious little reader, fine".

"They wouldn't be too often", Jungkook informs you. "But maybe just the occasional little fun slice of life sort of things".

"All the cute things we get up to with...well....you", Jimin adds.

"It's ok if you don't want them, just make sure to let author know", Namjoon says. 

"She'd like to say thank you once again for all the love", Yoongi mumbles reluctantly after being elbowed sharply by Hoseok. "And to make sure you all keep safe and healthy during these difficult times".

A collective awh rises from the others.

"She didn't tell you about the last part", Hoseok cooed. "Looks like our Yoongles secretly cares about our readers deep down".

"Shut up", he mutters.

"Anyway, thank you readers, and we hope to see you again soon", Jungkook blows a kiss towards you, quickly followed by the other members.

"Does it just stop recording by itself?".

"Is that how those things work? I'm pretty sure it's manual".

"I don't know, I'll check".

"Guys, you have no idea how hard my di-".




long time no see :)))

I hope you enjoyed the little piece, I enjoyed writing it.

But thank you sincerely for 100k reads, holy shiet

I have no words

y-y'alls eyes ever just start sweating out of nowhere? hhfrheuirceicurhurg

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