Investigations and Insights (pt 2)

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popping, rocking, hopping, tutting, dougie, flexing, swaggin' WHOAH



You had just checked your mother's room to see that she was safe and sound asleep as Eunha promised, when the door knocked.

You tensed, the fear instantly returning, filling your veins with sickening adrenaline. What if she was back?

Before you could do anything, you heard it open and Jungkook's voice hollering your name.

You took a shaky breath, and attempted to compose yourself. It was only them.

You have to tell them right? Or at least try. Eunha might have been bluffing after all, trying to manipulate your fear into believing that you couldn't say anything. Surely that was it? How could a woman who has been dead god knows how many years have that kind of hold on you, it must be a lie.

You went out to Jungkook so as to not disturb your mother's sleep. she didn't get nearly enough of it. 

He had made himself completely at home, he was collapsed on the chair where that evil woman had been sitting not ten minutes previously. In comparison to her elegant upright position, he was sprawled across the piece of furniture, legs and arms spread everywhere. Where you had sat across from her, was Taehyung. He had turned to look at you with his usual smirk, as if nothing had ever happened between you, but it faded as he looked at you more closely.

"What's wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost".

You wanted to laugh hysterically at his wording. That was exactly what you had seen.

"I-", you tried to speak, but the words were physically sticking in your throat. You tried so hard to force them past your lips, but something, or someone was preventing you from doing so.

"You what?", Jungkook prompted, leaning forward with a concerned expression.

"I just.... had a nightmare is all". You were speaking, the words were coming from your mouth, but you weren't controlling them. The lies spilled past your lips without your consent.

The true power Eunha seemed to wield was beginning to sink in, and it scared the shit out of you. She could control you to an extent?

"Was it about...", Taehyung trailed off dangerously, giving you a questioning look. 

You were going to nod, you were putting all of your willpower into bobbing your head up and down, but to your horror, you shook it instead.

"No, something else, nothing serious", the words were stiff and stilted as you tried your hardest to resist the outside force, but to no avail, as you continued, or rather, Eunha continued to hide the truth from the two boys.

"Are you sure baby", you could feel Taehyung's presence filling your mind, trying to rip the truth out of you, but you kept shaking your head, which was what truly shocked you. 

It was impossible to lie to him, but here you were.

"If you're sure I suppose", his voice was uncertain and momentarily filled with doubt, which took you by surprise. 

You glanced up at him, his eyes were filled with uneasiness and confusion, his normal mask of composure was gone for a split second, showing a dark abyss of emotion swirling like a maelstrom.

He shook his head lightly, and just like that, his usual smirk was back, his eyes once again filled with mischief.

"Poor little y/n, having a nightmare", his teasing tone had also returned. "Pity Hoseok didn't realise, we could have come sooner".

His offhand comment provided you with yet another revelation.

Hoseok didn't know that she had been here. He had known when you met her first, in your dreams. But not this time.

Jesus, how powerful was she?

"So, is there anywhere you'd like to go today my love?", he continued. "I need to buy you clothes, but we can go somewhere else too".

"The library", you replied after some thought. They might have something to provide insight right?

"Cool", he replied with a smile. "I actually forgot my phone, I'm gonna run home and get it. I'll only be a minute, I'll catch up with you".

He winked at you and disappeared.

Jungkook sank back into his chair and groaned.

"You ok?", you asked, tilting your head to look at him properly.

"I'm thirsty", he sighed. 

"Would you like some water?". He didn't bother answering your question, just gave you a pointed look. "Oh".

"Please y/n", he suddenly gave you an angelic smile, his eyes begging you prettily. "I haven't had any since that first night".

Your eyes widened. 

"Just one bite", he promised. "I won't ruin your neck like Taehyung does".

"I suppo-", you hadn't finished your sentence before he wrapped one arm around your waist and yanked you closer to him, pulling you down onto his lap. He didn't even hesitate before sinking his fangs into your neck.

You felt your veins fill with the adrenaline, but Jungkook's felt slightly different. You felt filled with pure, raw power, you fully believed in that moment you could probably break down a building with your fists.

It faded when he pulled his fangs out, which left you slightly disappointed, you quite enjoyed the feeling of having so much strength.

"Jungkook, what's your thing?", you asked curiously. "Like... power or whatever".

He smiled at you.

"Can you not guess?", he remarked. "I'm far stronger than the others".

You grinned. "You're like Emmet from twilight".

His smile quickly faded to an annoyed glare.

"Please don't compare me to that sparkly princess", he sniffed.

You just shrugged and kept the grin on your face. "Whatever you say, princess".


the writing quality isn't great at the moment I'm sorry :((((

Maybe vote though 0-0

Or just stick around for the end of the book, I am beginning to see it in the far distant future.


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