Hatred and History (pt 3)

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Sorry bout the delay, things have been hectic af 😅

This chapter is dedicated to the person who passed their written test for drivers ed :)


Was this the end?

As the slow agonising minutes turned into hours, you could feel the hope draining from your body.

Or maybe that was just your life-force, that was what apparently was happening.

You could physically feel it. And you could also feel the sickening, suffocating black void trying to take over your mind in place of your soul.

As time went on, Eunha became more and more energetic, she was practically bouncing off the walls, while you became weaker and weaker.

Your palms still stung, and you could still feel a thin trickle of blood leaking out, for whatever reason, it wouldn't stop. If you craned your head slightly, you could see the table was now decorated with winding rivulets of red as a result.

You couldn't move anymore. You struggled in the beginning, but now even blinking took far too much effort now.

It would be so much easier to sleep. Maybe you should. You were so weak, so tired.

"The ritual is on it's way to completion", Eunha announced. "Only a little longer, my brethren".

It was cold. Your breathing was shallow.

It would be fine to close your eyes for a few seconds right?

You could hear a huge crash echo through the building, but you were really too far gone to notice or care.

"What the", you heard Eunha hiss. You could feel a small, delicate hand grip your throat.

"What did you do you little bitch?", she snarled. "How did you tell them?".

What? Who? You couldn't breathe, but you were finding it difficult anyway.

"I will deal with this, don't you worry", she raised her voice so the others would hear. Her grip was released, and you took a shaky, laboured breath.


That sounded so nice. 

The blackness was pressing harder and harder, choking your mind, your body, your spirit.

Just close your eyes.

You could hear your name being yelled frantically, but it sounded so far away, and you could feel a weight being released from you.

Were the chains gone?

There was someone touching you, you could feel hands cupping your face so gently, and thumbs stroking along your cheekbones.

"Y/n baby please wake up".

That voice sounded familiar. It was faint and distorted, but you were sure you knew that voice. But they wanted you to wake up, you didn't want to. 

You weren't sure if you even could.

There was something wet dripping onto your forehead. The last thing you heard was a whispered sorry, over and over, before the void finally consumed you.

Third Person POV

If Hoseok had a heart, it would be beating wildly at the moment. As it was, his eyes were blown wide, and his breathing was quick.

How the hell was he hearing the voice of her sister.

Hoseok, you have to help her, you have to help y/n the silent plea resonated through his head. She's going to die

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