Taehyung and Tension (pt 2)

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We are on just over 900 reads, I'm shaking.


You tensed as you waited for the pain to consume you, like the first time.

But it didn't come.

Instead, all you felt was a wave of adrenaline suddenly rushing through your veins. You inhaled sharply at the sensation. It was impossible to explain. You had never felt so alive. Every fiber of your being felt like it was sparking with electricity. You could understand why this was so addicting to people. The high was unlike anything you had ever experienced.

You tilted your head back, the energy being almost too much for you to handle. Your eyes rolled back, you felt like you were about to pass out. You felt a little weak after the initial feeling, you could feel your body being drained of blood. 

As your legs began to buckle, you felt Taehyung's arm slide around your waist, easily holding you up. His fangs were still buried deep in the flesh of your neck. You hear his trembling breaths as he drank and drank. You felt dizzy as a sudden feeling of pleasure overcame you. You bit your lip harshly to prevent the strangled noises escaping your mouth.

You felt his lips curve into a smirk against your skin. He slowly pulled his fangs out, making you wince. You fell against his chest as the adrenaline began to fade. Still keeping an arm around his waist, he used his other to slide under your knees to pick you up. 

"How was that?", his voice murmured in a lullaby tone. You couldn't say anything, you were focused on getting your wildly beating heart to calm down. He chuckled softly, his deep baritone echoing slightly off the walls of the classroom.

"That's all the answer I needed", you could see his amused smile as he leaned down to lick across the bite marks. "You'll be fine, it's overwhelming the first time for everyone". He tucked you closer against his chest. "You're gonna be a real problem though", he frowned. "How am I supposed to drink anyone else's blood after that",

"My blood surely isn't that mind-blowing", you said, your throat hurt when you spoke, making your voice raspy. He stared down at you, you had never seen his eyes such a vivid colour.

"You'd be surprised", he hummed, searching your face as he carefully helped you down into a standing position. "Who are you, I wonder, to have such exquisite blood?". He pursed his lips in thought, never taking his eyes off you. You met his gaze at first, but had to look away after a while.

"I'm curious baby", he finally said. "Maybe it's pure chance, maybe it's something else.  I haven't had blood like that since-", he cut himself abruptly, his eyes darkening to a violent black.

"Since what?", you pressed, you were curious now too. He glared at you suddenly, baring his fangs as he snarled viciously and slammed his fist into the wall beside you. You flinched, and his expression softened.

"Sorry", he whispered guiltily. "I didn't mean to do that, but I can't talk about it".

"It's ok", you said shakily. He gave you a grateful smile.

"I should get you home", he said gently. "Thank you for your blood".

"It's not like I gave it willingly", you rolled you eyes to hide the fear that he would hypnotize you again. He smirked, his usual alluring personality returning.

"But shouldn't one thank people for such good gifts", he purred, stepping closer to you. You stepped back, and felt the wall against your back. 

Well wasn't that just fan-fucking-tastic.

He moved closer and closer, until his forehead touched yours. He lifted his hands to press them against your cheeks. They were cold, it made you shiver.

"It was certainly the custom to do so from when I came from, especially if it was a woman", his lips curved up into a wicked grin. "You would always return a favor". He leaned back to observe you, his eyes scanning your tense shoulders, your flushed cheeks under his palms, your wide eyes, and his smirk somehow got bigger. He slowly leaned back in towards you, and swiftly pressed his lips against yours.

You froze as he dropped his hands to grab your hips and pull your body closer to his. He slowly ran his tongue against your bottom lip, and then pulled away. If you weren't flustered before, you certainly were now.

"Let's go", he was smiling normally as if nothing had happened, but his eyes were darkly triumphant. You were a mess inside. This man, who you had literally met four days ago, had just hypnotized you, drank your blood against your will, and then kissed you.

And you didn't completely hate it.



uhh I was listening to the beyonce crazy in love remix while writing this if any of you like to listen to music while reading fanfics idk.

How y'all doin my famalam?

IT'S THE WEEKEND (happy dance)

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peace out uwu

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