Awakening and Apologies (pt 3)

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heya, some fun news coming your way after the chapter

I updated yesterday too, in case you haven't read that chapter


Jin and Namjoon came in together shortly after Yoongi left.

"Thank god you're awake", Jin fussed, feeling your forehead. "You had a fever, which has gone down too".

Namjoon sat down slowly. You tried to figure out what was lurking in his eyes, which were currently a dull crimson, but still held a spark of life. However, he remained rather expressionless, despite flashing you a quick smile.

"Yoongi told us what he told you", he said calmly. "Is there anything else you want to know?".

"My mom", you said quietly, your fingers twisting in your duvet. Jin grabbed your hand, rubbing reassuring circles onto your thumb.

"Taehyung told her you were staying with us for a few days because we had a massive group project that we had to get done. She was rather sceptical at first, but uhm". His cheeks went pink with awkwardness. "He talked her around, if you know what I mean".

"We weren't sure you were comfortable with it, but it was the only thing we could do at the time", Namjoon cut in softly. "We managed to erase your message before she could hear it, she thinks you're perfectly fine. We sent her texts off your phone, pretending to be you giving updates".

He was right, you did feel a little weird about Taehyung being near your mom at the moment, much less using his gift, but you were also relieved that she wasn't worried sick, and you wouldn't have to give too many excuses.

"Sorry about that", Jin mumbled, his words holding more meaning than just your mom. "We're so sorry y/n. I..uh..I'll....", he got up, "..get you something to eat, you must be starving".

You were actually, and the realisation made your stomach rumble.

They both tried to hold their laughter, but nonetheless, small smiles crept over their faces. You groaned, and hung your head, your cheeks stained red. 

"Well go and get me some then", you mumbled in embarrassment. Jin laughed quietly at that, and kissed the top of your head before heading out the door. The sweet action startled you, making you look up, only to see Namjoon looking at you, he was hesitating.

"What's up?", you asked gently. He sighed lightly.

"Taehyung wants to see you". His voice was quiet. You tensed despite yourself, and Namjoon leaned forward.

"Please y/n, I don't expect you to forgive him yet, but please listen to him with an open mind, he hates himself, he's taking all the blame for it", he reached out and held your hand, never taking his eyes off you.

"Just give him a chance to explain", he pleaded.

You stared at him, and nodded slowly.

"Thanks y/n", he smiled, and walked out of the room.

Taehyung walked in almost immediately after.

"Heya babygirl", he smiled sadly at you.

Taehyung looked terrible by his usual standards, his long hair was knotted and tangled, and his skin was sallow and unhealthy looking. Nonetheless, he was still so beautiful.

So not fair.

"Hi Tae", you replied cautiously. Your breathing was shallow, you were nervous.

He walked slowly towards you, his gait was still as smooth and elegant as ever. He stopped right beside you, and reached his hand out towards your temple.

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