Namjoon and Nemesis (pt 2)

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y'all hoes the writers block is slowly killing me.



I'm really really sorry for taking so long to update, please forgive me friends :(


You flattened your back against the wall, hiding from the stream of students that flowed past you. You had somehow managed to slip away from Namjoon after history. He had sat beside you in every class you had together, and he was waiting at the door after every class you didn't. It was unnerving for you. You were not used to have a constant presence by your side, and the filthy glares that were directed at you were enough to make you want to curl into a ball and hide for the rest of eternity.

"Well, look who it is, it's Bangtan's new slut", a venomous voice sneered behind you. A hand grabbed your shoulder to spin you around and slam you against the wall. You winced at the impact, your body was still slightly bruised and sensitive after your attack.

You looked up to see the water bottle girl. She glared at you, her bottom lip curling into a angry pout. She was flanked by three minions, one who still had an iron grip on your shoulder. Her fake nails were digging into your skin through the thin material of your shirt. You clenched your jaw in an effort to not show any weakness.

"What the fuck are you doing hanging around with them", she hissed, stepping closer to you, close enough that you could smell her sickening perfume. It was cloying and heavy, it made you want to gag.

"Know your place, freak. You're not good enough for them", she said coldly. You didn't say anything, you just stared at her.

"Say something", she snarled, and suddenly slapped your face.

Your head jerked back at the impact, the crack of her hand against your cheek echoing around the corridor. Your lips parted in shock. She had never gone so far as to actually slap you.

"You like that freak?", she uttered, a vicious smile spreading across her face at finally getting a reaction out of you. "There's more where that came from". She reached out and grabbed your jaw tightly.

"I think you've done quite enough Lisa".

The familiar voice made you turn your head so fast you were afraid you had given yourself whiplash. Namjoon was leaning against the wall, his schoolbag flung over his shoulder. His posture was as casual as one could get, but his face was a completely different story.

His pupils were dilated with fury, and he looked terrifying, his entire expression was dark and menacing. "Fuck off", he growled at the four girls. "And don't even think about approaching us or, more importantly, y/n ever again".

Lisa had went white as a sheet when she saw the tall vampire, and simply nodded timidly at his threatening words. She turned without a word and stalked off, followed by the others. You breathed out a sigh of relief when she turned the corner. You turned back to look at Namjoon, you felt slightly guilty for running away.

"I'm sorry", you said sincerely, playing with your fingers nervously. He stared at you in silence, his expression softening.

"Is that normal?", he suddenly asked. His voice was surprisingly gentle, filled with concern. You looked everywhere but him. "She's never gone so far as to actually hurt me physically", you explained slowly. "But she does enjoy making my life miserable I guess". You saw Namjoon's expression darkening once again and panicked.

"But it's no big deal, seriously, stop thinking about it, let's just go", you said hurriedly, reaching out to grab his sleeve. He looked at you with a startled expression, thankfully his murderous aura diminishing. He had clearly been spacing out. "Looks like rogue vampires aren't the only thing we have to protect you from", he smiled slightly, reaching out to ruffle your hair. You hesitantly smiled in return.

"You need to smile more often", he said sweetly, pinching your cheeks. "You look so much prettier".

You grabbed his hands, a proper smile spreading across your face. You felt strangely comfortable in his presence, you trusted him. He saved you from Taehyung, he saved you from your nemesis. He didn't have to do that, but he did anyways. His dimpled smile filled your heart with warmth as he slid his hand into yours intertwining your fingers.

"I think it's best if we just walk home today, Taehyung is going crazy, he keeps making jokes about draining you dry and I'm honestly not sure how joking they are", he said, laughing nervously. You shivered, but brushed it off. "You don't mind walking me home?", you asked. He shook his head.

"Unlimited strength", he replied simply. "Let's go quickly before the others catch us".


sorry once again for the rather extended leave of absence :(

also gonna try and make chapters a bit longer from here on in I think

vote and comment!

peace out uwu ily

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