Chapter Ten

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Anthony's P.O.V

I follow the nurse to the patient and family room to where I find Gareth drinking a cup of coffee, I step into the room and close the door after thanking the nurse. "Gareth" I say through gritted teeth. Gareth looks up and smiles "Anthony thank god, they wont allow me to see her" he rushes searching my face for any sign that she is okay "they said that there was to many people already in with her". 

"you cant see her Gareth" I start "she wants nothing to do with you anymore plus your taking this way to far" I add and confusion crosses is face" i am referring to the stalking of my little sister!" I then finish. " I was just trying to get her alone so i could catch up with her, she is always surrounded by so many people." I shake my head while he continues "anyways what do they mean by there is to many people already in with her? The nurses muttered something about you and two boys, who the fuck are they!" his voice grows more agitated by the second.

"Not that it actually matters who they are but one is her house mate, Hunter, he was the one that was leaning against the door frame. The other is Fletcher, Hunter's brother. Now leave!" Gareth nods and heads towards the door but before he goes he turns to me, "can you do me a favour?" he asks and I nod " can you tell her i was here" and with that he leaves before i can answer. 

I'm not actually going to as it will stress her out. I head back to her room. "Is he?" a small voice asks when i enter the room, i know immediately that the voice belongs to AJ. 

I nod, I cant bring myself to answer with words as I turn to her. She frowns at me before speaking again. "He was here wasn't he?" I nod confirming it " but he left as soon as i asked him to"I add quickly.

Arianna's P.O.V

It's been several months, April to be exact, now since I was released from the hospital. I haven't been back to uni yet since I still have some exiting injuries but Hunter has been bringing the work I need to catch up on home. Suddenly Dutchess begins to bark indicating that there was someone at the front door down stairs, I'm about to get up when I hear a voice echo through the house "Ari I'm home" I decide to get up off my bed earning an angry glare off Crooskshanks who was curled up on my lap. She decides to curl up on my pillows as I slowly make my way downstairs to the kitchen where I find Hunter with a glass of water taking small sips. He puts the glass on the counter top and passes me a letter. "Do you remember at the beginning of the year I signed up for the university exchange" I nod before replying "yeah I remember I signed up for having 2 people staying here" he nods as though he remember and hands me a letter before opening one that is similar to my own.

Dear Miss A Whiting

We would like to again thank you for signing up to house students for the study abroad programme that we are running with serval other universities.

from the 1st may for two months the programme will start, as you know hunter has signed up for this programme and will be going over to the university that the students who will be staying with you are from.

Please be at the reception building at 11:30 am on the 1st may to be allocated your two students, these students will take the time to do two months of the course you are doing and they are your reasonability on the 2nd may lessons for you and the two students start

Many thanks

Mrs Linsey Blare

Head of study programmes

I have to read the letter twice before realizing that may 1st is in two weeks' time and the day I go back to uni

<< fast forward two weeks >>

My alarm goes off at 9am, I put on an oversized hoodie and walk into Hunters room and shake him lightly to wake him up, "morning" he says in a raspy voice before smiling " you need to finish packing the bits you couldn't while I make breakfast we have to leave in an hr and a half" I say before walking out and heading downstairs to make breakfast, after making the pancake batter and placing it in the fridge to stand while I chop up strawberries, blueberries, mango, pineapple and raspberries as well as preparing bacon before putting it on to cook. After a little while I pour half the pancake mix into a bowl and put the rest back and begin to cook the pancakes, before the smell of pancakes and bacon drift through the house and hunter appears with his suitcase and because to set the table and splitting the fruit into two big bowls one of which he puts on the table to other he puts back in the fridge, before long we sit down to eat before I get dressed and we head to uni.

Hi my lovies

Im gonna be honest im not sure where im going with this plot so im sorry for how bad this story is turning out, thanks for those who have stayed and are being patient with me

I love you all

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Lots of love ~ mini mushu

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