Chapter Two

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Hunters P.O.V

It's been 3 months since I met Arianna , and I think I might have fallen in love with her, hard. I think about her everyday and night, I even steal her when we have to work in pairs.

I am sitting on the picnic benches outside eating my lunch when Ashton came and sat oppersite me. I nod and he takes a breath in " Hey man how's life" he finally says I shrug and turn my head to the grassy area where Ari sat with Brianna, Jessie Brandon and her long time best friends jade and Beth. "You like her man don't you" Ashton remarks snapping me out of My thoughts. I nod " yeah i do but I'm taken I mean Shannon is great and all and she has been my long term girlfriend since secondary school, I really don't know what to do I mean if I end it I won't only have no where to live I don't 100% know if she will take me. I mean she went through a terrible break up with her ex and yeah I don't know ash I really don't".

The rest of the day goes by quietly and quickly. I wait for Arizona to grab her things and and go. She packs her stuff away and gives me a small smile as she hurriedly walks through the university to the heart where she is joined by Beth and jade, together they walk outside and are joined by a women that can't be more then 23 years old, she is stood leaning against a metallic bottle green land rover. Beth runs over to her and hugs her after she picks her on the lips.

I knew Beth was dating one of their old lecturers but I didn't know what she looked like.

The lady which I'm assuming is amy hugs jade then Arianna in turn. After they all said their hellos and given hugs they all climbed into the landy and head off. I guess that explains why I say Arizona waking this morning. I snap out of My thoughts and head over to my car, after climbing I drive to Shannons place and head inside

"Hey bubbyy" she squeals " ready for date night at kaspers" I nod and barely hug her before she runs to get changes I smile wearily and grab a shirt that was hanging up in the utility room. Kaspers so happens to be in the middle of a massive shopping centre 20 minutes from Bangor university. Once Shannon if finally changed we both climb into the car and headed to the centre parking lot, after we got there I parked next to a familiar bottle green land rover. We got out and headed to the fourth floor of the centre, which also so had to be the very top of the centre. We were seated within minutes of walki mg through the doors. The waiter sat us on the row of tables behind the ones that over looked a brilliant blue clear lake that had some water fowl on it belonged to the centre

My eyes wander round the restaurant while Shannon and the waiter flirt continuously with each other hoping I wouldn't notice. Then my eyes fell on her,she was say innocently and quietly watching the water fowl bob gently across the lake. Her now dark purple to pale blue long hair had fallen across her face and I could see a small hint of a smile that tugs on her lips, I think that jade it Beth said something amusing, or maybe it was amy and Beth play fighting.

Throughout dinner, I tried to keep my eyes off her but I couldn't, I kept taking quick small glances at her while Shannon managed to flirt with every damn guy in the place.

A few hours later I tried to get to sleep but Shannons phone kept vibrating. I take a sneak peak at some of the messages after retrieving and unlocking it. I scroll through the highlights and names of so many different guys until my eye catches a text. I open up the conversation and began to read.

[ T- Tyson, S- Shannon]

T: hey babe ready for this weekend?xx

S: yh xx

T: how's the clueless dumbass xx

S: good, he doesn't have a clue xxx

T: really? Xxx

S:yeah I'm told him I was going home for the weekend xxx

T: why wont  you just leave him already. I'm way better at everything and you won't moan that I'm shit in bed like you do with him xxx

I hear the bathroom door creak and Shannon walks out. 'What you doing babe' she asks all innocent. "Cheating Really?" I flat line " we are over"i finish. She looks at me and I pull up the messages " Tyson greely, the player of chalmar secondary school, my enemy of all people."she shrugs " you have no where to go so you have to stay, and this will just carry on, you'll just have to deal with it" she states.

It takes me an hour tops to pack all my stuff up, most of it was hers. I pack what few bags I had into my car and slam the spare keys into the table "over" I warn before turning on my heel and walking out to my car, "slut" I say before I shut the door.

Arianna P.O.V

I wake up to crookshanks and dutchess going wild, then I hear the door bell go repeatedly, alright so I guess I have to get out of My nice warm bed. I slide on my slippers by feel and glance at the glowing time on my clock, it was 1:40 am. I leave my room and try not to go flying down the stairs. I tug in the door a couple times before realising I had locked it,dumbass right, I rummage around for my keys and unlock the door to find him standing on my front door step.

I blink a couple times stunned at the fact Hunter is on my door step, what's more he is crying. " Hey"Hunter says "sorry to wake you up but I didn't know where else to go" I move so he could come in but he doesn't, he looks back at his car and I nod, he goes and brings his bags in and sets them down by the sofa.

" everything okay" I ask walking over to the kettle and putting it on. Moments later I'm joined by Hunter as he gets out hot chocolate powder and cups.

Hunter stops trying to find a tea spoon, "look Ari I'm so sorry I showed up on your door step her unannounced with everything I own, I had no where else to go. Things went very South and I can't live there anymore" he begins to blurt out. I nod "your more then welcome to live here ..... on some terms and conditions" he eyes me up and down, suddenly I feel very self conscious in what I'm wearing. I'm currently wearing a pair of small black pajama shorts and what is supposed to be a bra type t-shirt.

He nods and goes back to making the hot chocolates. Five minutes later Hunter and I are dat on the sofa in a nest of pillows duvets and blankets on my two seater recliner. Shortly after we were settled and just getting into NCIS Los Angeles and dutchess & crookshanks join the pile up.

A few more hours later Hunter and I are curled up. My head was lent on Hunter shoulder. His head was on mine and we were kinda cuddled together. I had dutchess and crookshanks curled up on the sofa between my back and the arm of it. Everything was peaceful.


so this is chapter two hope you enjoy

sorry about the major changes to this book and if it confuses anyone

this chapter banner is a scaleless blood red corn snake (zero)

lots of love mini mushu

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