Chapter Eleven

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Its currently 11:28 am and both Hunter and I are nervous I can feel him fidget next to me as we wait, suddenly there is a flurry of movement and the sound of American accents drift down the corridor and students that were sat down around the dotted tables stood up ready to welcome these exchange students. They all gather in a crowd and the students from our university are told to say their goodbye and head to the coach. Hunter hugs me and I could feel many sets of eyes on the back of my head, " stay safe Ari, im gonna miss you while im gone but I will be back before you know it, it is only two months, oh and I think some of the guys are jealous without knowing you they are staring at you anyways ill call and text you" Hunter says before releasing me and heading out.

Once all of the students had gone they stated paring people up, I scan the crowd while vaguely studying the crowd of students to which I found to be some really hot guys. "Ethan and Grayson Dolan you'll be staying and guided by Arianna Whiting" I step forward and they walk towards me just before I say something Hunter comes jogging in and hands me his bedroom door key hugs me again before returning to the coach. I don't bother saying anything I just study these beautiful creations.

Once Mrs Blare has finished explaining we are free to go, the boys grab their bags and suitcases and follow me to my car, I unlock it before opening the boot of the car so they can put their stuff in and then we all climb into my car before I start it. The more I look at them the more I can see that they are twins, "um hi" the thinner taller twin with the dangle feather earring says " so my name is Grayson and this is my twin brother Ethan" the other twin waves slightly "its nice to meet you" I nod looking through the rear-view mirror " nice to meet you too my name is Arianna Whiting". There is silence in the car again until Ethan speaks up " um Arianna we kinda have a youtube channel and we were wondering weather we could film videos at yours, your more then welcome to be in our vids if you want" I nod again, "I have some rules to go through when we get in and ill cover that okay?" I glance in the rear-view mirror to find both of them nodding.

When we finally arrive back at mine and the twins have all their stuff we all step into the porch and I take off my shoes and put them neatly on the now empty shoe rack since Hunter had moved all his shoes he hasn't taken with him into his room, the twins follow suit and do the same, before opening the front door I make sure that the porch door is shut. I unlock the front door and open it slightly grabbing Dutchess by the collar and guide her back into the hallway before beckoning Ethan and Grayson to follow me. I walk Dutchess down the hallway to the kitchen whilst still being followed by the twins and i spot crookshanks curled up on the middle of the table, once the twins stuff was in and the doors were shut i let go of Dutchess' collar and she rushed up to the twins to say hello and i fianally spoke.

"so that is dutchess and on the table is Crookshanks remember they were here first you will respect them, no girls are allowed over unless its checked with me first if the door to the basement is open it means i am down there and that is the only time you go into the basement, my door and Hunters doors will be locked and Hunter isnt gonna be here as he has gone to your uni, grab yo shit and ill show you where youll be sleeping" they nod and follow me then Grayson just speaks up "is this your house?" i nod and he continues "is it just you that lives here" i shake my head before replying and stopping infront of a room "Hunter does too and a shit tonne of animals, Grayson this is your room and Ethan yours is the next door on the same side, the bathroom is at the end of the hall" they nod and disappear to settle in. 

i unlock my bedroom door and head inside before  lying on my bed i didnt bother shutting my door as i knew Dutchess and crookshanks would come in soon. im playing around on istagram when there is a knock on my bedroom door, i look up to see Grayson standing in the door way watching me.  As soon as he notices me look up he smiles sheepishly at me and clears his throat "umm i was wondering if we could all watch a film downstairs?" he asks. i think for a moment but stay quiet while he watches me intensely while i make up my mind up, just then Ethan joins "Is she coming?" he asks and i nod "might as well" i pull myself off my bed and follow them down the stairs while ordering pizza off the just eat app. once i had ordered it i set up the tv and netflix and began to scroll through the film section until we agreed on a horror film then finally on the film México Bárbaro and we all settled down the the film. halfway through the film the pizza arrived and as soon as i sat back down dutchess put her head back on my feet.

Grayson's P.O.V

We watched our film well the only person who played full attention to it was her are as  Ethan and I kept watching Arianna, she was so pretty with her calf length dark to light blue contrast hair and her style is amazing. I study her face for a little bit my eyes gliding over her piercings thay I never thought would look so hot on a girl but on her well they made her look so damn perfect.

She had snake bites that hadn't quite healed yet, among others. We we're a about 3/4 of the way through the movie when I realised both Ethan and Arianna had fallen asleep, watching her sleep so peacefully I knew I couldn't last just the two months here with her I was going to message both universities about staying which I was nervous about, I know she had a house mate it's obvious but we haven't met them, maybe they are in hospital, visiting family or on holiday maybe, she hasn't talked about them yet.

I look down at Arianna and notice her head is on my lap and she is stretched out across the sofa with her feet on Ethan. I then noticed thay dutchess was laying across her knees and crookshanks was om her chest.

I wake up the next day at noon exactly.....

To be continued ......

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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