Chapter One

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Welcome to Bangor university over this coming year were bringing success to those who try. Drones the welcome video.

I grab my bad and head towards the main desk "hi i'm miss whiting, i'm here the herpatology course could you put me in the right direction please?" I manage to stammer out as she glared at me over her thick red rimmed glasses. "Follow the signs honey " she spits and goes back to her paperwork.

I start to wonder the heart, "exuse me, exuse me hey you with the long hair" someone shouts and i swing round " Me?" I question looking at a tall handsom guy standing in front if me,he nods "heard you were looking for the herpatology course follow me" he smiles and I nod following him across campus

Finally he breaks the silence "in Hunter ace Mayfield" he says sticking his hand out for me to shake " Arianna-Jenna Marie whiting"i answer shaking his hand. He nods as we carry in walking in silence.

Several days later

"Hey Arianna" Hunter says falling into step with me after our last lesson, i nod in response trying to remember where 1) the hell I parked my car and 2) my directions home. "So your living on campus" Hunter asks as we head to my car. We finally stop by it and he smiles "do you want help unpacking?" He asks. I'm a bit apprehensive but I agree none the less.

Hunter follows behind me in his car every time I glance into I'm mirrors he is smirking, not gonna lie it's kinda creepy but hey. Finally we are at mine and pull into my drive. I park my car in the shack thing and Hunter parks behind me, thank God it's Friday I had managed to get through my first week at uni and now I had a whole weekend to unpack. So far I have managed to fix up the basement as my reptile room so the racks are up and the vivs are set but all my animals are in their travel bins from my move Sunday luckily I had enough knowledge to know they would be completely fine in one of the rooms shut away from everything.

Hunter and I walk to the porch then go inside after I unlocked it we both took off our boots and I unlocked the front door stepping into the house itself. I wait a slight second knowing what was coming suddenly my 8 month old Irish red setter came bombing through the house closely followed by my 8 week old ginger Maine coone crookshanks, I smiled as they both landed in a heap ( crookshanks on top of course) at my feet. I bend down and stroke dutchess before picking up crookshanks and giving her a cuddle. Suddenly dutchess picks herself up off the floor and bardges head first into Hunter who I had completely forgotten was behind me, I turn to him and smile sheepishly as he smiles " who are these beauties" he questions bending down and scooping up dutchess " that's dutchess and this in my arms is crookshanks or Crooks for short mum got me them as a moving house present so I wasn't alone not that i would be anyways, funny they are the best of friends both came from the same household so it kinda fits i guess since they had spent the first 7 months of their lives together" I ramble on as Hunter laughs I walk into the house towards crooks favourite chair and put her down on it while Hunter puts dutchess back on the floor

" where do we start?"he questions I shrug " reptile room I guess gets them out their travel bins"he nods and we head towards the room and start moving the travel bins towards the basement, after an agonising hour all the travel bins had been moved and I started moving reptiles into vivs " Arizona where do you want this one?" Hunter asks " what is it?" I reply it was kind of pointless asking me while I had my arse in the air and me head in the vivarum " um.. " he pauses and I know he is looking at the name and species on the bin " it's toast ?"he questions before finishing " the Kenyan sand boa" my eyes go wide before swinging round and hitting the back of my head on the selves " woah you good?" He asks and I nod in response "all the vivs have an animal ID sheet so " I look about the room toll I find toast's picture and walk over to it "here we go" I move back to the travel bins and move the bin toast was in and open the first lid, yes this snake has some serious snakeattude to the point he is double binned and has a snake hook "stay still" I order and Hunter does as he is told. I take the snake hook and life the second lid off, he didn't come out at a rate of knots so I ditch the snake hook and pick him up, once he was happy on my arm I nod " you can move now" Hunter lets out a breath neither of us knew he was holding and quietly clears his through "Why the precautions" he asks kinda timidly.

" this is babakook" I pause for a moment watching him as he slithered up my arm " he is my Brazilian rainbow boa but he has attitude, a rather big one at that he is a lovely snake but he just. Oh I don't know how to explain it. He is a rescue snake he was starved and badly mistreated " I sigh looking around for the viv I already allocated him. We carry on until we get to our last 2 reptiles.

Hunter picks up zero and gives a small smile, I stand watching him as the scaleless blood red corn snake moves and moves around his arms, keeping Hunter on his toes. I turn back to the last box and open the lid and my little family of skinks stare up at me. " hello babies" I coo and pick them up, treecko and axew sat on each shoulder and charmander sits on my chest. They all snuggle into me happy to finally be out theirs travel bin and happy to see me. I look about and find the massive horizontal vivarum that houses them, I bend down and open the door carefully putting each individual in and closing the door again.

While Hunter is still playing zero I check through all the bins then check all vivariums to make sure they are all alive and well. " i will be back" I call walking up the stairs and to the fridge where the rats that had been in defrost. I take them out the fridge and rummage through draws trying to find my tweezers. Once I finally found then I walk back down stairs grabbing crickets, waxworms and salad on the way.

I walk back into the room and find Hunter sat on the edge of the table texting. I put the things in the table and grab two buckets and start my routine. I fill one bucket with water and add in reptersafe and leave the other empty then i start pouring water from the bowls into the empty and refilling them with clean water from the full bucket. While I did this Hunter followed suit and started filling up the salad bowls. Once we had done them I fed the snakes while he fed the live fed.

Once everything was done we moved onto the rest of the house unpacking and putting everything away. When we finally looked at the time it was past 1 am,I looked around my house satisfied everything was in place and sat in the sofa next to Hunter whom was already asleep and leaned against him falling asleep myself.

I woke up the next morning to the kettle boiling and the smell off freshly ground coffee. I open my eyes blinking and Hunter is rummaging through my cupboards and pulling out different breakfast things. I stretch and yawn causing Hunter to stop what he was doing and look over at me "morning" he says and carries on making us breakfast


Hey guys

So this is chapter one sorry it took so long for me to get up it's been a bit hectic with work experience and college

the banner is a Brazilian rainbow boa ( in this book it would either be bubbakook )

Lots of love

Mini mushu ❤❤

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