White Love 19: Just the two of Us

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Good evening, minna!
I'm so sorry if it took so long but here it is! And I hope you'll like it. 😊
Anyways, how are you, minna-san? I hope you're all safe and healthy. Always take care, everyone!

Enjoy and have fun reading, everyone! 😉
Photos here are all credits to the rightful owners. 😊 Thank you!


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White Love 19: Just the two of Us


We just finished our breakfast and right now I'm currently writing something in my notebook when I suddenly saw Ryosuke-kun approaching me here in the living room, holding two glasses of smoothie?

"What are you doing, Ayana?" I heard Ryosuke-kun suddenly asked before he sat on the sofa across me as he placed the other glass of smoothie that he was holding in my direction. Eh? Wow... Look so yummy.

"Oh, I'm just writing some good memories that I wish to remember for the rest of my life." I said while I'm still looking at the smoothie that Ryosuke-kun had placed on the table in front of me. Hmmm...? I wonder what kind of smoothie is this...? Is it a Strawberry Smoothie?

"It's a combination of Raspberries, Flaxseed and Banana Smoothie." I heard Ryosuke-kun said that made me return my attention to him once again. Raspberries, Flaxseed and Banana Smoothie?

"Raspberries, Flaxseed and Banana Smoothie? Wow. Look so yummy. Thank you, Ryosuke-kun. Itadakimasu." I said excitedly before I put down my notebook and pen on the table to take a sip on my Raspberries, Flaxseed and Banana Smoothie that was personally made by my first love and idol Ryosuke-kun. Wow... Oishi!

"So how was it?" I heard Ryosuke-kun suddenly asked that made me returned my attention to him once again.

"It's so delicious! Thank you, Ryosuke-kun!" I said while I'm still holding the glass of smoothie that Ryosuke-kun had made for me. Oh my... It tastes really good. I really love it!

"Did you know?" I heard Ryosuke-kun suddenly asked as I drink my smoothie once again.

"About what, Ryosuke-kun?" I asked while still holding the glass of smoothie. I saw Ryosuke-kun put down his glass of smoothie on the table before leaning his back on the sofa.

"That Raspberries, Flaxseed and Banana are good for people with asthma." I heard Ryosuke-kun said while still looking at me intently that made me just nod. Sou ka...

"Raspberries are antioxidants and also contain vitamin C which is good for asthmatic people while Flaxseed are high in omega 3 fatty acids as well as bananas." I heard Ryosuke-kun said as he continued what he was saying while me...? I'm just looking at him with so much admiration. Wow... I can't really believe that someone like him really exists. He is not just a simple handsome young idol but he is also a very smart young guy... I couldn't help myself but smile. Who would have thought that I, a simple fangirl of him will get a chance to see this side of him?

"Hey, are you even listening to me?" I suddenly heard Ryosuke-kun asked that brought me back to reality. E-eh?

"Ah hai..." I said before I drink my smoothie again. Oh no... How long was I looking at him anyway? Oh no! He might think that I'm weird again!

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