Chapter 8

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here's the update, my dudes

~Clancy's POV~

"Hey, Brendon," I call out, walking through a door. Inside the room ahead of me, I see a man about my age sitting at a desk, writing in a notebook. He turns toward me, his dark brown eyes reflecting the dim lights.

"Yeah?" he responds softly, a bit exhausted from all the late nights we've had lately.
"Things are shaping up to be pretty odd."
"What's that supposed to mean?" He runs his hand through his dark locks and walks over to me.
"It means that Spencer and I located something a bit strange a few miles out. We wanted to get the two of you out to see it."
"Okay, I'll go get Dallon." He walks past me to Dallon's presumed location. I follow him, and after a few minutes, we are driving towards this unknown anomaly.
"Hey Ry," Dallon begins, "when you say 'strange', what exactly do you mean?"
"To put it simply," I answer. "it's not something we would normally find out this far in the Zones."

After about ten minutes, we pull up to a small shack off the side of the road. We climb out and join Spencer inside, who is looking at the strange thing we found:

a dead Jon Walker, dressed as a Draculoid.


I wake up in a cold sweat, gasping. That was the closest to a full memory I've ever gotten.

Sitting up, I close my eyes again and place my head in my hands, trying to recall everything that just occurred. Something about a dead guy that I presumably knew, people I'm guessing are old friends, and that phrase I said to—was it Brandon?—no, Brendon: 'things are shaping up to be pretty odd'.

I've said that many times before; I can feel it.

As my heart rate slows, I notice that a new phrase is repeating in my head.

My name is Ryan Ross.


~Violet Renegade's POV~

"I don't know, Ren," Wilson muses, eyes never wavering from the road. "I think you're just overreacting from all this. He could just be a normal person."
"But why doesn't he remember anything?" I ask. We were talking about Carter, the new addition to our team. He had fallen asleep a while back, and I was expressing my concerns to Wilson from the passenger seat. "I know I've seen his face before, and the first time our eyes met, something in his expression seemed to think the same thing. And how could he be a completely normal person if you've never seen him before? He's dressed like a Youngblood."
"I don't know," he sighs. "But until we find more answers, I don't want to argue about this anymore. We should use our energy figuring out what the plan is once we get to Vegas."
"Alright," I concede. "I'd suggest we stop a few miles out of the city, then travel the rest of the way on foot. We should do our best to be inconspicuous, though that's probably goi to be hard. Keep our guns close, boots tight, the standard protocol for missions."
"I agree," Wilson begins. "But we may want to seek out allies within the city or on the outskirts. Something tells me that Mona and her people might have better knowledge of the area."

The Sinners were previously located in he Las Vegas area, and were driven out to California by the POLICE, a mysterious force bent on keeping its citizens within their city. Mona hasn't been super forward on her memory of those times, but she might know a thing or two about the land.

"We might want to regroup and discuss this with everyone else the next time we stop," I say. "There's not much we can do without everyone else." Glancing towards the back seat, I see Gear, Carter, and Winona, each fast asleep. Carter's face looks much younger now, and a memory sets itself off in my brain.

"Hey, Silver?" I ask, sitting across from her in a booth.
"Yeah, Violet?" She counters, setting down the pocketknife she was twirling in her hands.
"When do you think the guys will be back?"
"I don't know," she answers, her eyebrows furrowed. "They said they had to go pick a few people up. Apparently they got stranded out in the desert."
"Left behind by their squad?"
"I think so. Not sure, though."
Before another word escapes my mouth, the sound of the Trans Am and Kobra's motorcycle comes from outside the diner. The two of us peek out the window and Gear and Missile run up to the front room. We watch as Party and Ghoul step out of the Trans Am with two people about Silver and I's age: two boys, both dressed in olive, yellow, and black tones.

"Ren, Silver, Missile, Gear, this is *static* and *static*. They're gonna stay with us for a few days." Party leads everyone into the diner, and we go back to our business.

"I need to talk to Silver when we stop," I think aloud. "I just remembered something."

~Pete's POV~

Suddenly, I'm awake for the first time in what feels like years. I'm surrounded by unfamiliar faces, each painted with a shocked expression.

"You're Pete Wentz," one gasps, her short brown hair falling in her face.
"Yeah, what about it?" I ask, sitting up slowly and observing the room around me. I appear to be lying on a couch in what might have once been a dressing room, a group of eight or so people surrounding me.
"Haven't you been missing for four years?" a man with a lumberjack hat counters.
"Hold on, where am I?" I question, standing up from the couch and walking to the other side of the room.
"An abandoned arena in Las Vegas," a dude with lavender hair answers. "Why?"
"How did you find me?"
"You were on the side of a road out in the desert," a boy with an Australian accent answers. "We still haven't figured out how you got there."
"Well, I guess this means I've successfully escaped S.I.L.E.N.C.E.," I conclude, and everyone gasps.
"How'd you do it?" Lumberjack wonders.

Then I start from the beginning.

yeti spaghetti there's the next chapter. THE PLOT THICKENS. Clancy seems to have figured out who he really is, Violet is slowly figuring out who Carter is, and Pete has shown up, as well as some new characters. any guesses as to who they are?

p.s. there are more people in the room, they just didn't all speak. happy guessing!

signing off,


𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐎𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 (An Emo Quartet Crossover AU)Where stories live. Discover now