Harry Potter

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*Hayley's POV*

So, I've heard of this so called "Harry Potter" before. I've read numerous stories about him, including how he defeated Voldemort back in 1980 or close to that year. But that's all I know about him... except that we're in the same year. "What d'you mean you don't know much about him?" Jackie asked me astonished. "I've only read stories about him, it's not like I'm related to Harry." I said. Heh, my young years. Looking back on it, it's really ridiculous to think I barely knew my cousin before third year. Back to the story! "Now, we're gonna be late for class and I really don't feel like hearing Professor Snape yapping on about how it's disrespectful to be late again." I said. "Catch ya later, Luna. Same to you Charlie." I said, as Jackie and I walked to the dungeons. "Is there a reason to be early?" Jackie asked, catching up to me. "Yeah, so we don't get in trouble." I said, blowing a strand of hair out of my face. "Hello strangers." someone said next to us. "Who the hippogriffs are you?" I said. "I'm Draco Malfoy." he said, holding out his hand. "Okay, sure, well would you move so we won't be late to class, Draco?" Jackie asked. "Nope." Draco said. "Okay then." I said, grasping his shoulder and moving him to the side. "See you." I said, Jackie and I walking on. "I hope we never see him again." Jackie whispered to me. "I doubt that's not gonna happen." I whispered back. We reached the dungeons just in time, and the same routine started again. Snape saying we didn't know how to do this class, us brewing the potions, and dismissal. Repeat. After classes I groaned. "There's so much homework!" I said. Stella popped up next to us. "It could be worse. You could have spent ten years in an orphanage." she said. "True." I said. We went through the corridors and into the Great Hall for dinner.  "Hey Big Bro!" Stella called to the Gryffindor table. I turned to see a boy with raven black hair waving at her. "Who's that?" I asked. "My eight brother." Stella said. "My family's really confusing, alright?" she said. We laughed. While we ate, I did my homework in hopes of going to sleep earlier tonight. Yet, that dream didn't come true. Oh well! I went to sleep around 10:00 PM. Great bed time, me! Well, at least I got to sleep. 

A/N: I'M BACK PEEPS! Yup, I've been feeling better so I'll be trying to update more often now. Kay bye!

Pin of the day: (a new thing I've decided to do)


Make sure you check out her stories, they're really great! She's currently on hiatus though, because she's going to college. Well this is the real done for today, bye!

Word count: 476 

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