Hogwarts Hogwarts. Man, I'm glad I'm back!

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A/N: Yes. Yes, it is a reference.


Hayley's POV

Everything is in order, everything is in my trunk. Wait. Wait. WAIT. WHERE'S THE UNNAMED OWL DAD GOT ME TWO WEEKS AGO?!?!?!?!? Okay Hayley, calm down. This is perfectly normal. She's probably on a flight before we go. Wait. I hear CHIRPING. Where is that bundle of fluff?!?!? "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddd!?!?!?!?!?!" I say, running down the stairs, leaning against the railing. "Yes Sunshine?" asked Dad. "Where's the Bundle of Fluff?" I ask. "Oh she's in the kitchen." said Dad. "What?" I said, going into the kitchen. "We really need to name you." I said, picking the fluffy, light brown owl up delicately. The owl chirped. "How about Cocoa Bean?" said Dad. "It's perfect Dad!" I said. I jogged up the stairs. "Now Cocoa Bean, you shall stay in your cage," I said as I put her in her cage. "While I go and have some really sweet tea with Dad." I went downstairs and collided with someone. Such a klutz Hayley! Oh, oh. It's Harry. "Hello Cousin." I said. "Sorry for bumping into you." "Oh no the fault is all mine, Dearest Cousin." said Harry. "Go ahead." He put his arm out in front of him, gesturing for me to go. "Oh no. Please, after you, Cousin." I said, doing the same. "No. After me." said Ginny, pushing aside our arms and walking down the stairs. "Yes Ginny slay!" I shouted with Hermione who was following behind. I gave her a high-five and we continued down to breakfast. "Hogwarts. What a wonderful place, I wish I could go back." said Dad. "Oh Dad, we're sorry. You're still too old." I sighed playfully, patting him on the shoulder. "And you remind me of my age everyday." he said, patting my hand. "Okay okay, that's done, Dad." I Said. I took my hand from his shoulder and shook my head playfully.


After breakfast, I ran upstairs and grabbed my trunk and Cocoa Bean's cafe, then proceeding to run back downstairs. "Ready?" Said Dad. I nodded. Soon, everyone was downstairs, along with Mr and Mrs Weasley. "Are we going now?" Ginny asked, impatiently. "I feel you, girl." I Said. "Yes. Yes, alright." Said Mrs Weasley. We all crammed into Mr Weasley's car and started out. Well, Harry, Hermione and the Weasley' Did. Dad and I used the Floo Network. They said it was "too dangerous" for Harry to use. Well, we got there before them at the very least. So we waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. Until they finally arrived. "You guys are so slow." I groaned. "We've been waiting for like hours." "Que sera sera." Said Dad. "Okay come on let's go." I Said, dragging myself into the barrier. I didn't even bother to pretend I was normal, I just walked through it. After like, thirteen minutes everyone was in the barrier. "Bye Dad." I Said, hugging g him. "Bye Sunshine." Said Dad. "Owl me when you get there." "I will." I Said. "Bye Mr. And Mrs Weasley." "Bye Hayley. Be safe." Said Mrs Weasley, with Mr Weasley nodding at me. I nodded as I walked up and into the big scarlet train. "Bye Dad!" I yelled out the window as the train started moving. He was out of sight. I hate leaving Dad alone, I always have to worry about the Ministry police catching him. But I shook the worry off and went into an empty carriage. I heard someone's footsteps as I hoisted my trunk into the thing above the seats. "Hi Luna." I said. "Hi Hayley. Mind if I take a short sit before my rounds for the Quibbler?" Luna Asked. "Of course not. Come." I Said. Luna sat down across from me. "So how was your summer?" "It was good. Dad and me just hung out." Said Luna. "Yeah same here." I Said. "Well, its time for my rounds. Bye Hayley." She said. "Bye." Luna left. "Hey Hayley." I heard someone say. "Stella!" I jumped up and hugged my little cousin. Stella was Harry's sister. Stella joined this extra curricular dueling club over the summer. Only the best of the best go there, we were so proud of her. But it was all the way in Arizona. So I haven't seen much of her but wow! Stella got tall. "How have you been?!" "I've been great! Dueling club in Arizona was amazing! I learned so many spells, some of them I won't even learn about until 7th year!" She said. "Wow! Stella come and sit." I Said. We talked all the way until we got to Hogwarts. The train stopped with a start. I looked out the window. Hogwarts looks better every year. Filch must be doing his job way better. Well we're here!

Word count: 800

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