Stressful Times and Findings

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*Hayley's POV*

I woke up, took a shower, got dressed and grabbed my bag. It was around 5:00 AM but I was going to speak with Dumbledore. He said he wanted to see me so, I'll see him. Plus, I have to find Luna. I walked to Dumbledore's office. "Professor Dumbledore?" I asked. Oh right the gargoyle. Uh what did he say he liked at the feast? I groaned. Lemon drops! "Lemon drops!" I Said. The gargoyle let me through. "Headmaster Dumbledore?" I Said. "Enter." He said. I opened the door. "Good morning Ms. Black." Professor Dumbledore Said. "Good morning Sir." I Said. "Please sit." He said. I sat in the seat across from his desk. "You may be wondering why I've called you here." I nodded. "Well," He began. "Your father has asked me to tell you about your mother." I sat, unsettled. I nodded for him to go on. "Well, your mother's name was Casanova Peterson, better known as Cassie." Dumbledore started. "Your mother was brave, courageous, kind, smart, witty, any adjective you could think of." "Where is she?" I asked. "I'll get to that in a second." Dumbledore Said. "She met Sirius on the train to Hogwarts, she also met James Potter that day." "Harry's Dad," I muttered. "She had thought he was stupid, if I remember correctly of her telling me. The two hated each other for some time. Until 7th year. They started dating and afterwards, got married the same year the Potters did." "If she was so amazing how come I've never heard of her?" I asked. Dumbledore ignored. "In 1981, they had you." No duh, Dumbledore! "Cassie was over the moon. She loved you with all her heart. Until one unfortunate day, Death Eaters kidnapped her and we are still looking to this day." Dumbledore finished. "So, my mom isn't positively dead?" I asked. Dumbledore shook his head. "No, she is just missing." He said.  "Speaking of missing, Luna's been missing since yesterday and I'm scared." I Said. "We'll find her, I'll give you a pardon from your classes so you can look for her." Dumbledore Said. I nodded. "Thank you, Professor Dumbledore." I Said. He dismissed me. I walked through the corridors, wondering if I should go back to the Common Room. I found myself in front of the library so I entered. I browsed the bookshelves, looking for something interesting. All of a sudden, I felt arms around my neck, from behind me. "Thank Gosh!" A voice said. I turned around. "Luna! Oh my gosh where were you?!" I Said. Luna let me go. "Draco and his stupid goons kept me hostage there, they just left to get food." She said. "Those pathetic walnuts!" I Said, my fists clenched together. "Come on, Luna, we've got to go find them." I reached on my robes, grabbing my wand and storming out of the library. I stormed out to the courtyard, Luna hot on my heels, to where I saw Hermione slap Draco in Third Year. Draco was in the same spot. You'd think he'd learn his lesson of that spot. "You! You awful, hateful little ferret!" I yelled, pointing my wand at him. "Hayley! It's not worth breaking the rules just to spell Draco!" Luna Said. I ignored her. Draco stared at me. I stared daggers into his eyes. "Do what you did to Luna again, I dare you. I'll hex you into next century, ferret." I growled at him, lowering my wand. Just like Hermione, I slapped Draco. "Come on Luna." I Said, stomping to the dorms. 


The next few months were a bit... chaotic. And I'm a bit stressed. I'll give you a fill-in. 


So, short version. We broke into the Ministry. Now, here's where things got crazy. The death eaters came to sabatoge us. Did I mention Dad was there? Anyway, Dad was having none of it and started shooting spells with Harry by his side. Some dudes had hold of the rest of us. I kicked and screamed at the guy. The death eater put his hand over my mouth. I bit his hand, getting him caught off guard. I ran to Dad, pulling out my wand. "Hey Sunshine." he said, smiling. "Hey Dad, let's blow this popsicle stand." I said, smirking. Spells shot from one end to another. I shot a spell, Dad shot a spell, Harry shot a spell. "Nice one, James!" Dad said, after Harry shot a spell. "AVADA KADEVRA!" The words shot in my ears and burned like Firewhiskey. Dad fell to the ground and rose up into the mirror. (I think that's what it was.) Tears flowed down my face as I fell to the ground. "DAD!" I screamed. Harry rushed over, grabbing my shoulders. "Hayley." he said. I looked up at him. Harry pulled me into a hug as I cried. "Let's go back." he said. I nodded solemnly. When we got back to 12 Grimmauld Place, I rushed to my room, slamming the door. I slid to the floor against the door, tears flowing. 

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