Before Hogwarts

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Hayley's POV

I slid down the banister into the large dining room where Dad was. "Morning Daaaaaaaad." I Said, skirting to a stop in the room. "Morning Sunshine." Said Dad, putting down his coffee mug. He came over and gave me a hug. "Where're the Weasley's?" I asked. "They're over in the living room." Said Dad. "Your cousin's coming over later." Dad went over to the table and sat down again. "Harry? Really? I haven't seen or heard from him." I Said, going to the kitchen and grabbing a piece of toast and buttering it. "Hey Dad?" I Said. "Yeah Sunshine?" He said. "Um, well did you hear whose gonna be our new DADA teacher?" I asked. "No, who?" Asked Dad. "It's a lady named Dolores Umbridge." I Said. "Are you kidding me?" He said. "I'm surprised a man of such great knowledge as Dumbledore would hire such a bastard as her." Said Dad. "Wow Dad I've never heard you say such sophisticated words like that." I chuckled, sitting down in the seat across from him. "So, anything exciting planned?" Dad Asked. "With times like these? With Voldemort back? I think it's safer to just stay in." I Said. "Last thing I need is getting surrounded by Death Eaters." "As much as I agree with you, Sunshine, I also want you to have fun." Said Dad. "Yeah I guess." I Said. "Thanks Dad." I Said. I got up and gave Dad a hug and a kiss on the head before going to my room. Once in there, I went towards my bookcase. I pulled out three books and my bookcase split in two. Boy do I love magic.
I crouched down in front of a chest, it was cherry wood, and it said Hayley in my terrible calligraphy. I took a key, and shoved it through the lock. It turned automatically and opened the chest. I grabbed the scrapbook safely hidden inside. "I wonder how they're doing." I Said, slowly caressing the picture of my foster family. (Sorry if that sounds creepy.)
Harry's POV
I entered the building before getting crashed into one of Mrs Weasley's unforgettable hugs. "Oh Harry!" She said. "Hi Mrs. Weasley." I said. "We're in a meeting right now. Hermione and Ron are upstairs." She said. "Oh great!" I Said. (Sorry I know this isn't how it goes in the real book but I haven't read the fifth book in soooo long. And plus I'm allowed to write what I want since it's a fan fiction.)  I climbed up the stairs and hung out with Ron and Hermione for a bit until we were called down. I was the first downstairs and saw Sirius waiting in the dining room doorway. "Sirius!" I Said, hugging my uncle. "Hey Harry." He said. Sirius moved out of the way to reveal Hayley. "Hayley!" I Said. Hayley came up and gave me a hug. "Hey Cuz!" She said. She pulled out of the hug and slapped me on the shoulder blade. "Ow! What was that for?" I asked. "I haven't heard from you all summer Harry!" She said, laughing and pulling me into a sympathy hug. I chuckled and we ate while the adults talked about the Order. "I'm all for it!" I Said. "Same here." I heard Hayley say next to me. "Just because we're not in the Order shouldn't mean that we can't help!" "I'm with Hayley." I Said. "You children shouldn't have to worry about this." Said Mrs Weasley. And this resulted in an argument and blah blah blah. Before we knew it we were upstairs, getting ready to go to sleep. "Night Harry." Hayley Said, patting me in the shoulder and closing her door. Hayley's Room. Enter if you dare. I chuckled at Hayley's humor and headed to Ron's and my room.

A/N: I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So yeah! That's it stay tuned you guys! Bye!

Word count: 652

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