An Industrial Empire

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Song- Leviathan: G-Eazy
It was a typical hot and humid day in Ohio. The cicadas buzzed loudly and the breeze was uncomfortably warm. The vast amounts of land were once used for farming but now are being urbanized with major companies such as steel and oil. Thousands were left unemployed as new technology came into place to help with farming. Those that were employed struggled with low wages and the boiling hot temperatures inside the factories. Now a railroad is ready to be built right through their state. Many people wished to protest but they didn't know who to protest to. The man behind it all was always hidden when he was working so they couldn't tell if he walked among the poverty stricken masses. They only knew one thing. His headquarters was located in the prosperous part of New York City.

"Sir here are the papers you requested." Scorpio cleared his throat. He was the reliable assistant as well as the Vice President that was dedicated to his job.

"Are these the ones for the new oil company by the ocean?"

"Yes sir, they are."

This was the man. The man everyone wanted to pull down and crush underneath their own feet. Only problem was he was physically untouchable and unreachable. Aries pulled out a fancy ink pen from his pocket and elegantly signed across the parchment.

"U-uh sir?" Scorpio gulped.

"What is it now?" Aries glared with annoyance.

"You have more letters from the workers..."

"Put them with the rest." Aries flicked his wrist and then turned around in his chair.

His view offered the crowded streets of the city and a full view of the slums in the distance. A clear line was put between the rich and the poor and Aries loved it. He would never intermingle with the immigrants, the disabled, nor the ones even in debt. He worked hard to get into this position and he would never let anyone snatch it away from him.

"Sir, you must get ready for the party this evening."

"Of course! It's the grand opening of the biggest and best railroad I could have ever invested in." Aries chuckled and got up.

He went up a floor and into his penthouse suite. The modern looking decoration displayed his wealthy status and also the arrogance he carried.

"Which suit should I wear?" He mumbled to himself as he swiped through the countless suits in his closest.

He was finally able to settle on an dark blue suit with a soft fabric that was specially imported from Italy. He buttoned himself up and stood in front of the mirror. Aries knew he looked good and was confident enough to verbally say so. The party he was attending consisted of other wealthy people he planned to make contracts with to increase his industrial empire.

"Are you ready sir?" Scorpio called from the open door.

"Yes I am." Aries smirked and then went to the first floor of his building.

It had a spacious ballroom that was neatly and expertly decorated to fit the tastes of everyone. Bottles of expensive wine and champagne were being poured into shiny glasses, getting ready to serve the guests. Once the first wave of guests arrived Aries greeted them warmly and began to talk of business. The guests highly revered Aries and was excited for a potential partnership in a company that could make billions.

More guests slowly trickled into the room until it was almost full. The air was starting to get humid from the body heat and people kept bumping into each other.
Aries spotted the mayor of the city and began to quickly walk towards him. While doing so, he aggressively bumped a young lady that was a good foot shorter then him. Without paying attention to her face Aries quickly brushed her off.

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