The Beginning of a Journey

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Song: Abnormalize: Ling Tosite Sigure (also the psycho pass op)
Leo quickly showed up at the crime scene and saw that elegantly dressed people were being escorted out of the building is a hurried manner. Leo swiftly entered the building and immediately began to take a look around.

"Oh thank god you're here." A handsome looking man with blonde hair showed up.

"Are you Aries?" Leo asked.

"No I'm Scorpio, his assistant."

"Aries is this way. He is not in a good mood so I advise you ask questions with precaution."

Leo followed the assistant into a private room. There he saw a slumped over figure holding his head in his hands. He wore a finely tailored suit and fashioned an expensive looking watch. Leo could already tell this man would be a handful.

"NYPD how may we help you?" Leo flashed his badge. Gemini fumbled to pull hers out and ended up showing hers upside down.

"You got to help me!" Aries stood up. He was immensely taller then Leo and even had broad shoulders to support his build.

"That's why we're here sir." Leo didn't want to sound sarcastic but it was really hard to hold back a remark.

"Someone came in here and stole my documents!" He cried out and then went back to sulking in the loveseat.

Leo could tell he was trying to act pitiful and gain sympathy but he decided to shrug it off.

"Gemini, go look for evidence while I question people." Leo looked at the lineup of staff Aries had gathered.

"Who was guarding the room?" Leo pushed up his glasses and glared at everyone.

"We were sir." Two people raised their hand honestly.

"And do you have keys to get in this room?"

"No sir we do not." One them answered sheepishly.

"Did you, Aries, give keys to anyone?" Leo turned towards the couch.

"No I did not. Only I have the key to that room." Aries pulled out an intricate looking key from his pocket.

"May I take that?" Leo pulled out a small plastic bag.

Aries nodded and placed it into the bag and then handed it back to Leo.

"What time did this event occur?" Leo continued with the questions.

"At about 6:30 pm I realized that the door to that room was unlocked. Once I went in everything was ransacked and the files were missing." Scorpio stepped in.

"They didn't bother to tidy after themselves so they must have been in a hurry." Leo pondered.

"Gemini! Have you found anything?" Leo turned around to see Gemini bending over to examine the ground. Once again her skirt was riding up and was on the verge of exposing everything. Aries stared in shock and Scorpio avoided to even look in that direction.

"Oh for god sakes." Leo walked forward and stood in front of her behind to block anyone from seeing anything.

"You need to start wearing some pants if you want to work with me." Leo muttered.

"Excuse me but I need to keep the feminine side of me intact. I went through ruthless training like a man!" Gemini huffed and stood up.

"At least wear stockings." Leo tried negotiating.

"Why hide my assets?" Gemini smirked.

"Why am I stuck with you." Leo massaged his temples and decided to focus again.

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