The Truth

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I added music for this chapter and the ones before so if you want go check them out! You'll get to know my music taste as well!
Song: Oxygen: Jackson Wang
Idk if you guys have seen the MV for this but he's freaking hot. Like wtf.

"Quick! Look through her stuff!" Gemini pointed.

"Don't you see I'm already doing that you dumbass?" Leo shuffled through the bedsheets.

"Sorry, I'm just anxious." Gemini played with her hair.

"Well stop being anxious and help me. Look through the drawer." Leo instructed.

"Yes sir." Gemini saluted and crouched in front of the drawer.

For a split second Leo found Gemini to be cute but he shook his head at the thought and continued his investigation.

"I didn't find anything except..." Gemini pulled out a bra and dangled it in front of herself.

"What the hell? Put that down!" Leo grew pink and looked away.

"Oh come on, stop being a virgin." Gemini scoffed.

"Damn she's pretty big!" Gemini held it up to her chest.

"I'm literally this close to stabbing you." Leo indicated with his fingers.

"Ok ok! Just trying to lighten up the mood." Gemini sighed and placed it back.

"Shit! I found nothing!" Leo grunted in frustration.

"She's probably just went out to meet a secret lover." Gemini rolled her eyes.

"You're probably right." Leo took off his glasses and massaged his eyes.

"Hey...what's that?" Gemini saw a paper like material sticking out from under the mattress.

"Lift the mattress." Gemini said.

Leo grabbed the edges and lifted the mattress, long enough for Gemini to grab whatever it was.

"Oh my god! This is a shit ton of money!" Gemini felt the coarse paper carefully.

"This is it. We need to confront her. She may be collaborating with someone. T-to get close to Aries and-." Leo rambled.

"Whoa there tiger. We can't jump to conclusions. After all, she is from France. I mean, those people are rich. This could be her pocket money!" Gemini explained.

"Right...but we still need to ask." Leo made his mind.

"Ok. We'll question her during dinner." Gemini agreed.

Taurus hobbled around the town, completely lost. He was in dire need of a bath and could feel his stomach eating itself. His dirt caked hair fell into his eyes as he walked. He could feel the judging eyes of everyone on him. It was something he was used to anyway so he brushed off their gazes. While he was lost in his thoughts he bumped into a lady and stumbled to the ground.

"Oh are you ok?" The woman kindly asked while extending her hand.

"Y-ya." Taurus gulped and looked at her maternal face. It felt homely and comforting to him.

"Did he bump into you?" A much younger looking guy popped up from behind her. He looked about Taurus age but slightly older.

"No no I bumped into him." She chuckled and kneeled down after Taurus didn't take her hand.

"Oh dear god! You need to take a bath!" She coughed but still pulled him up.

"S-sorry. It was a long trip." Taurus was embarrassed by his messy appearance in front of a lady.

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