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Song: El Dorado piano version: Exo
Taurus felt dead. He might as well be. Sitting in a truck full of chickens with a woman who encouraged him to run. It sounded funny in his head. The truck had stopped a few times so Taurus and Pisces did what they could while it was stopped. The driver would probably notice them soon since the amount of chicken crates grew sparse. The only ones left were the ones they were hiding behind. He had gone nose blind to the smell and couldn't even imagine what he looked like.

Pisces was resting her head on his shoulder as the truck bobbed up an down she shifted towards him and wrapped her arms around his bicep. For being in a truck for how many ever days she still looked proper and innocent in his eyes. Finally, Taurus felt the truck stop and the engine was cut off.

"Pisces this is the last stop, we have to go." Taurus shook her awake.

"Alright." Pisces sighed.

The back door opened and light filtered in along with dust filled air. The man grabbed the top most crate and walked away, allowing Taurus and Pisces to escape out. He squinted at the bright light and the heat was not something he was used to.

"Where are we?" Pisces coughed from the sudden dust attack.

"Welcome to Ohio." Taurus read aloud a board.

"We came really far..." Pisces exhaled.

"I don't feel right." Taurus gulped.

"Why? What's wrong?" Pisces held his hand.

"I feel tired." Taurus felt his knees buckling.

"Don't worry, we just need to find somewhere to rest." Pisces pushed.

"Where THE HELL are we going to rest? Don't you understand? We have no money and no life!" Taurus yanked his hand out of Pisces's hand.

Pisces looked at him in sorrow. But then her face changed into anger.

"What do you mean? I'm the one that helped you! You would be dead if it wasn't for me." She hissed.

"I would be but you've dragged yourself into this and now you'll die too. You're an idiot." He avoided her eyes when saying the last part.

"Ok fine." Pisces gulped and began walking away from him.

Taurus felt the concerned gazes from the people around him and felt embarrassed.

"Sorry." He muttered. He wanted to run back to her but then thought it might be better if he kept his distance.

"Leo. I need to speak with you." Aries whispered.

Leo subtly left the table and followed him into a room.

"What is it?" Leo tapped his foot.

Aries bit his lip, not sure if he should tell him this. He took a deep breath and looked at Leo's blank face.

"I saw Aquarius leave at night somewhere. I saw her take the key and lock the door behind her." Aries said quickly. Immediately his stomach dropped from guilt.

"What?" Leo's eyes widened.

"She left last night and I think she's done it before." Aries elaborated.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Leo pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"I wasn't sure what to make of it." Aries sighed.

"It's a lead." Leo said and then left Aries in the room.

Aries felt like he did something terribly wrong and couldn't get rid of the sick feeling in his stomach.

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