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Song: in my head: Ariana Grande
Leo and Gemini were unaware of what had happened and were focused on the massive steam engine in front of them. It was like a resting beast ready to wake up and strike. Leo could see the workers working hard putting the tracks together.

"I feel so bad for them." Gemini frowned.

"They have to get money somehow." Leo shrugged and went around questioning.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Leo walked up to a sweaty looking older man.

"Doing fine except I'm working my ass off here." He panted and wiped the sweat off his brow.

"How long will it take for you to finish the project?" Leo asked.

"Would've been done in 2 weeks but some dumbass came in and disassembled some of the track." He grunted and brought the hammer down onto the nail.

"And this person...do you know anything about it?" Leo was getting some information but he needed more.

"They've been doing it for some time now. The boss has been getting angry that the work is being delayed. All I know is that it happens at night." The man shrugged and chugged some water.

"Have you noticed a pattern to it?"

"No, it happens pretty randomly. Every time we think we're almost done the person always screws things up. One time they even messed up the train!" The main scoffed.

That meant the culprit was still in town.

"Do you remember when it started?" Leo pushed.

"I haven't been working long you should ask someone of more experience. Sagittarius is the head of our group." He said.

Leo was surprised they referred Sagittarius. He was young and seemed like he should still be in school. Leo didn't expect him to be so experienced in this field.

"Some Frenchies came by the other day dissing us while we were working. They were a bunch of asses. It would've been nice if I used this hammer to smash their faces in." The man angrily brought down the hammer again.

Leo flinched at the suddenly brutality of the man's words but began walking off.

"Anything?" He asked after meeting up with Gemini.

"Nope. Just some stuff about someone coming in at night." Gemini sighed.

"I got the same stuff." Leo was getting frustrated.

"Our best bet is a stakeout." Leo hated stakeouts. You had to sit stationary for hours which made Leo's legs go numb.

"Every night?!" Gemini gawked.

"Unfortunately that may be the case." Leo sighed.

"That's ok since I'm with you." She smiled and clung onto his arm.

"Ok ok stop." Leo cleared his throat and turned away to hide his blush.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Leo turned back and said.

"Hey wait! Are ya'll the police or something?" He yelled.

"We work for the news." Gemini lied.

"Shame, we need some security 'round here." The man sighed and continued his work.

Leo began walking back towards the town, Gemini still clutching onto his arm.

"You can let go now." Leo said.

"No, I'm good. It's comfy here." Gemini said cheerfully.

"Why are you like this." Leo took a deep breath and avoided to look at her small frame.

Rags & Riches (A Zodiac Story)Where stories live. Discover now