Cold Feet

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Song: Crying over you: Honne, ft. RM and Beka
A glass bottle was thrown over her head and shattered into countless pieces on her. She screamed and scrambled into the corner in utter fear of the drunk looming figure above her.

"Come here you bitch!" He huffed and grabbed her ankle.

She screamed and kicked his arm off her, making him stumble forward.

"Shit! You whore! I know you want it." He growled and looked at her with lusty eyes.

"Please don't." She begged and tried analyzing for a way out.

"I know you enjoyed it last time." He licked his lips and sneered.

This was Virgo's life. She was binded to this man with a piece of paper and a ring. He always came home drunk and lusting for her aggressively.

Virgo looked around for the nearest item to distract him with. His clammy hands got hold of her legs and forced them to spread apart. Virgo screamed and twisted to try and get out but he held firm and gave a malicious grin. Virgo's hand found a stray beer bottle and she brought it down on his head. It made a loud CRACK and then he went limp on top of her. More glass fragments fell onto her bare skin.

Virgo was left gasping for air and hyperventilating. She pushed him off and then stared at what she had done.

"O-oh my god." She covered her mouth and said with a trembling voice.

It had never gone this far. She frantically went to his side and pressed her cool fingers to his neck. The pulse was there but it was faint. She sighed in relief as he was only unconscious but she had a slight feeling that she should just kill him and get away from it all.

She stood up and zipped her dress back up. She limped to mirror and looked at her fatigued face. Her once neat bun was coming apart and her brown hair fell into her face. She was hurt inside. She took a shaky breath and slipped into her shoes and then throwing on her overcoat.

Once night fell the temperatures left the air feeling cool and crisp on her hot skin. She stood in front of a house with rosy cheeks and trembling hands. The inside of the house looked pitch black and it stood silently overlooking the road. The crunching of the dry grass echoed in the night as she moved towards the back of the house.

She stared at the top window and then bent over to grab a pebble. With much effort the pebble made contact with the window but there was no response. She began to sniffle again as the tears threatened to fall but she managed to keep herself together and grab another pebble. This time she threw it a bit harder, making a louder THUNK noise. She could see shuffling on the inside and then the curtains were pulled back slightly.

She looked up with pleading eyes. The curtains fell back and then there was no noise. Virgo's throat felt tight from holding in her tears and then she began to leave the property. Suddenly, the lock of the back door clicked open and then the door opened into a small crack. You could only see the blackness of the house inside but slender fingers clutched the outside of the door.

The door was opened fully and a young man with jet black hair and a slightly darker skin which showed the long days he worked in the blistering sun.

"Virgo? What are you-." He couldn't finish his sentence as Virgo quickly embraced him and nuzzled her head on his broad and toned chest.

"You can't be doing this." He whispered and tried pushing her off.

"Please..." Virgo felt safe in his arms. His body heat felt comforting and soothing.

He could sense that something was wrong but kept glancing side to side to make sure nobody was watching.

"Ok ok, come in." He said with hesitation.

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