One Step Ahead

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"Babe I'm exhausted." Capricorn pouted at her.

They were at a rest stop buying some snacks. Virgo could see the police cruiser parked ahead of her. Aquarius was the first to step out followed by Aries and then the rest.

"Here, go grab some snacks." Virgo handed him some money.

He sighed and walked into the store. Virgo peered into her car window and saw that Taurus and Pisces were sleeping on each other. Taurus was a loud snorer but she didn't seem to mind.

"Hey, how you doin'?" Aquarius walked up to her and asked.

"We've been traveling for 2 days. I really need a shower and proper sleep." Virgo leaned against the car.

"Ya...don't worry, Leo said we're almost there. Only half a day's worth." Aquarius encouraged.

Virgo saw the sun rise and the early morning heat began to take over the land.

"How's Aries?" Virgo asked.

"Still as infuriated as ever. He managed to sleep some but it wasn't the best." Aquarius sighed.

Leo walked over along with Gemini who was stretching her back.

"It's a tight fit in there." Gemini pointed.

"So what's the plan?" Aquarius asked.

"Well it's obvious Scorpio would know that we're on our way so he would probably be prepared. I think he's going to send some people after us." Leo explained.

"Damn." Gemini shook her head.

Aquarius looked around for Aries and saw that he was nowhere to be found.

"Uh, I'll be right back." She said and moved away.

"Ugh what time is it?" Taurus poked his head out the window.

"It's 6." Leo looked at his plain watch.

"Alright kids if you need to go to the bathroom go now because I ain't stopping until we get to New York." Virgo put her hands on her hips.

"Let's go." Taurus helped Pisces out the car and they walked off together.

"Ah, young love. It's beautiful." Sagittarius nodded.

"Then what does that make us?" Cancer raised and eyebrow.

"The mature couple." Sagittarius gently rubbed her arm.

"I think Virgo and Capricorn are the most mature couple." Cancer rolled her eyes.

"You're right. They have quite the age gap..." Sagittarius leaned in, being clear with what he wanted.

"Not here!" Cancer put a finger to his lips.

"Oh alright. Once this is all over I'm going to get married to you." He said triumphantly.

"That's quite a statement." Cancer laughed.

"You watch me." He put an arm around his shoulder.

"Can I buy these?" Capricorn held up a pack of beer.

"Are you 21 kid?" The cashier said with an annoyed tone.

"No..." Capricorn admitted.

"Put it back then." He pointed.

"Yes sir." Capricorn frowned and put it back in the fridge.

"I'll buy it!" He heads Virgo's voice.

"Are you 21 m'am?" He raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"Yes, I am." Virgo didn't have any ID to prove it but she hope she looked the part.

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