Pardon my French

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Song: Oasis: Exo
The sunlight gently filtered into the room and landed directly on Aries's face. He groaned and tried to block it but then after some time the direct sunlight caused him to feel hot so he grunted and sat up while violently throwing the covers off of him. He was determined to get in the shower before the hot water was taken.

After freshening up and put on the same clothes at last night and scoffed in disgust. He looked at the shining watch on the nightstand and tucked it back into his pocket after restraining himself to wear it. An exotic smell wafted through the door and tickled his nose. It stimulated his stomach, making him quickly skip down the stairs and into the kitchen.

He was expecting to find Cancer but found the woman from last night. He remembered that she looked flustered and stressed about something but he decided it was none of his business to ask.

"Good morning! You're the one that opened the door for me last night right?" She said with a cheerful tone. Whatever happened at night seemed to be resolved.

"Yes that was me. I apologize for not introducing myself then. I was in a daze from being waken up so suddenly." Aries said with his business tone.

"Oh that's no problem!" She laughed.

"I'm Aries."

"Virgo." She smiled and softly took his hand.

"You seem like a nice man." She looked at her feet and then back up at him. There was a jealous hue to her voice but it was barely noticeable.

"You must be hungry!" She pulled out a bowl and then poured him a hearty amount of stew.

Aries was a bit confused. The smell he smelt was exotic like foreign food. He sighed at the simple stew. He was craving some steak.

"Why does this smell so good?" Aries took the bowl from her hand and placed it on the table.

"Cancer has some nice spices. I didn't know what they were but they smelled so good so I threw them in." Virgo shrugged.

"I see.." Aries frowned at the improper use of exotic spices.

He finally took a sip of the stew and was surprised to find that it tasted quite delicious.

"Is it good?" She was expectant of his answer.

"It's great." He smiled and began working on the bowl.

"Oh! I'm late for work!" Virgo looked at the clock on the wall, threw off her apron, and rushed out the door without saying good bye.

"Thanks for the food." Aries mumbled to himself and finished the last spoon. He sighed and leaned back in his chair, feeling full.

He cautiously looked around and thought that this could be his chance to get away from Leo from sometime. He would be following him everywhere he went. He carefully went to the door and began to turn the knob.

"Where are you going?"

He was busted. He slowly turned around and gave a smile to Leo who was at the top of the stairs. You could tell he had freshened up. His hair was still wet and was wiping his glasses with the edge of his shirt before resting them on his nose.

"There's breakfast in the kitchen." Aries laughed nervously and quickly went into the kitchen to escape Leo's fierce gaze.

"Thanks." Leo gratefully took the bowl from Aries's hands.

"Gemini isn't getting up anytime soon so we should go around town and look for suspects." Leo said after drinking some of the stew.

"Of course." Aries sighed.

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