boys suck part 3639

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Right so

I met a guy called mark

I'm going from the beginning ok

So there's a lot

So I go out to a flat party at uni, it's his flat where two of my friends live, and I got invited c we'd just been on an over night trip and bonded again bc we're in diff classes c art and design are split

So I show up and it's a pirate theme that night but I don't own anything stripey so I'm in leggings and a black tight crop top and I'm like k

I'm sitting on the sofa and I'm like ok mark is cute he's nice and then he sits next to me and I've had two drinks so I'm already like gone bc I don't drink a lot and so I lean against him a lil but that's it, just shoulders and that's it

Then my friend Snapchat's me saying don't get with me and I'm like ok??? I wasn't planning on doing anything but ok

So that night we head to the uni party and it's fun but mark gets sad bc apparently he wanted to get with me that night so my friend, Elloise, she fully steals my first girl kiss go cock block mark

Bc turns out she cheated on her boyfriend Sebastian with mark, and she's like yeah I like mark but I also like my boyfriend and I'm drunk af so I'm just like ok and we keep kissing the whole night with tongue and biting and it's nice until I realised after a week it was to cock block mark

Like thanks for that bitch

Ruined my first gay experience

So then a few nights after I get invited to Wetherspoons which is a bar that does drinks and food so I came along and marks there and so is their whole flat and they're all super nice

And I sit beside Anna, my other friend on my course and she's super nice I like her a lot she's great, she's the one who invited me

So after we head back to their flat bc we're gonna watch films and it's super icy so I'm leaning on mark trying not to die and we're talking a lot and at one point he says to Elloise "it was better when you were out of the flat" bc the weekend before she'd been with her boyfriend for a bday party back home

So she goes in a mood and I'm like ???? Ok

then at the flat I join them watching pirates of the Caribbean and marks sitting next to me and he's talking to me and we're all laughing and joking

Another guy in their flat says something about me having his last name, and I'm like I didn't know his last name so it didn't click until he added me on Facebook

(He also let me borrow his blanket like ok)

Then at 4am he walks me home and we're talking and it's nice and he walks me right back and we stop and I'm like fuck I wanna kiss you but I didn't so I just text my friend Anna saying I wanted to kiss him and she goes you will soon

Then Elloise goes home again one weekend so I get invited to their flat again and they're all super lovely and mark is sitting with me again and I'm super awkward texting my group chat like freaking out and we're playing drinking games and talking and he's like drinking loads and having shots so he's like almost gone and then we go get food and he buys me food, then on the way back he gives me his jacket bc it's cold as hell and we're talking and back in the flat we end up cuddling on the sofa and everyone is encouraging us and it's great

Anna and her friend even says everyone is #TeamPip out of me and Elloise bc she has a boyfriend

Then we go to the uni club here

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